Last Scenario - Part 42

Jun 04, 2011 21:00

- Last time on Last Scenario, we, uh... invaded Condor, right. And did some shopping here. Now let's go somewhere else.

- Entalar is one of a few key locations that we want to visit for mysterious reasons.

- And Lorenza needs to talk to Barasur, anyway.
Barasur: I suppose... I should be happy. Her long suffering is finally over, so I... I...

Barasur: I once again forced you to do something that really should've been my task. I hope you can forgive me for having been a failure as Elder.
Lorenza: Grandfather... I don't feel that way at all. You had to be Elder for much too long, during a very difficult time. I don't blame you for making mistakes. I'm not confident that I'll do any better.
Barasur: Lorenza... You'll be a great Elder. I'm sure of it. Even if you don't realize it, you've always had it in you. Your father would be proud of you.

Barasur: It's time to put it all behind me.
Received 'Tiamat' Hex tile!
- ...I'm not quite sure I understand why Barasur has this thing, but... okay.
Barasur: Now that it's all over, I'll remember her as the person she used to be. I can't thank you enough.
- With that resolved, we leave Entalar.

- Next, we return to a location we haven't seen in a while, the Biorite Facility's ruins, for no good reason other than that I've beaten the game and know there's something there.

Found 'Tazar' Hex tile!
- I think you're starting to get what my mysterious reason for these visits is. And also who that Biosynthetic Mutant was, in case you hadn't already realized.

- Our next visit is the Pargon capital. Three guesses what's here.

- \o/

- Would you lookit that tile he's got.

- Next, we're going to go stop by the Empire.

- See Joanna, we do actually visit y-- what do you mean it's been months? >_>
Joanna: It's really almost over now, isn't it?
- Nice of you to be so concerned about us, anyway.

Valentin: The battle's almost over, isn't it?
Matilda: Yes. It'll all be over soon.
Valentin: Good, good. Are you doing well? You look tired.
Matilda: It's nothing. I just want to get it over with now.
Valentin: I wish there was something I could do for you, Matilda. I just sit in this luxurious castle all day, worrying about you and thinking about how I could help you.

Matilda: Worry about your own future. I'll be back soon. You don't have to try to help me. It's enough to know that you're waiting for me.
Valentin: Haha, I don't know quite how to feel about that.

Matilda: Don't worry. I'll be back before you know it.
Valentin: Oh, take this. Maybe it'll be of some use to you.
Received 'Matilda' Hex tile!
- Is it some kind of tradition in this world to carry around a playing tile with your significant other's picture on it?
Valentin: I'll be waiting here, so... please come back.
- We plan on doing so. Well... in the credits, at least.

- Three guesses why we're in Condor. Really. Guess.

- HINT: it's so we can play Hex.

- *whistle*

- And here we have Bergheim's mostly-abandoned house. I'm not bothering to tell you why we're here.

- I swear there is a reason for all this.

- Our last stop is Randipur, the Hex capital of the world apparently, where we can play Hex with the best.

- And there we go!

- Why are we doing this? It's not so we can play Hex (as fun as that is).

- It's because character tiles trade for the best damn prizes.

- The Sacral Gown is great equipment and gives auto-Regen.

- The Spring Hat grants 500 bonus hitpoints to whoever wears it.

- Best of all, the Gold Sceptre nullifies all elemental damage.

- We trade for these two accessories and the Gold Sceptre. We also grab 20 Soul Elixirs (revive to full health), 30 Serpent Eyes (restore 400 MP), 10 Vitality Capsules, 15 Strength Capsules, and 20 Diamond Dusts (heal whole party 750 HP).

- Now that we're decked out in amazing equipment, we head to this place:

- The Tower of Redemption, the fourth and final tower. Anyone else surprised that there's no block puzzle to enter?

- I'll bet you anything the door at the top of those stairs is locked.

- What do you know. To the left, I suppose!

- I wonder what we do here.

- Go figure.

- We get a weapon for Thorve. Yay?

- :/

- I ended up having to push a pillar from the other puzzle over there. Someone didn't check their blueprints, apparently.

- These enemies are nasty -- they can do all-party chaos and silence. Good thing I got those accessories!

- We head back to the main room and go right this time.

- :?

- The way these work is that when you push two or more of the same color together, they disappear. You have to get rid of them all to solve the puzzle.

- :<

- Phew.

- Treasure~

- Time to climb some stairs!

- ...oh dear.

- I hate these puzzles.

- Finally, we come to a save crystal.

- There are capsules to the left...

- ...and to the right...

- Oh, look, another key! Let's go get i-

- $*#%@!

- The Key of Redemption is pretty tough. It doesn't have much HP, but...

- ...all-hit petrify. LUCKY I HAVE MY ACCESSORIES~

- Still, the key does a lot of damage, so I use Stance's Crisis ability to become invincible for a turn and get a breather.

- It's a difficult fight, but with steady damage output I'm able to take down the key before it takes me down.

- Great, four keys. Wonder what the heck these are for?

- We grab the awesome treasure, now that we've beaten the boss: a powerful spellcard and an accessory that makes enemies drop items.

- We also get Felgorn's Hex tile and the strongest spear in the game. Whoo!

That's enough goofing around for now, anyway. Next time on Last Scenario, we get judged in the Hall of Judgment, play Hex with Saraswati, and visit a place from Ethan's past... Tune in then to see the rest of the sidequests we're doing! Until then~

last scenario

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