Last Scenario - Part 36

Dec 18, 2010 14:05

Oh boy.

Okay, so... I think everyone's used to long waits between updates by now, but I feel the need to apologize for this one. I'm not going to check to see just how long it was, but the basic answer is 'way too long'. In my defense, I was without internet for over two months, but... yeah.

In any case, a brief update on where we were - the Kingdom's been driven out of the Republic, we defeated Castor, Ethan remembered everything, including that he and Castor are brothers, and Helio sacrificed himself to let the rest of the Omega Team get away with Castor in tow. That being said... here's your latest update.

- Last time on Last Scenario, we continued our chase after Castor. Short answer... he got away again. Time to report our utter failure to Drakovic.

Hilbert: No, your plan worked perfectly. It's our own fault he got away.
Thorve: This wasn't something we could've anticipated. They only managed to escape because of Helio's sacrifice.
Drakovic: All right, all right. You can stop passing the blame around already. So it didn't work, but I think it was still a major victory. The Kingdom's territory was invaded for the first time in a decade, and one of their top officers died.
Matilda: After all this, I don't think we'll have anything to fear from them for the time being. Their star general fled back with his tail between his legs. That's got to deter them from trying again.
Drakovic: I share your feelings, but I try not to be too optimistic.

Drakovic: They know how few troops we have there, but they're remaining passive.
Thorve: Are you going to call them back?
Drakovic: Nah, I don't see why we should. Let's see what they're going to do. The Consul has sent a peace offer to King Alfred, but I don't think we'll get a response anytime soon.
Hilbert: Anyway... The main reason we came back is because we don't have a very good idea of how to proceed from here.
Zawu: We've already lost our momentum. The best course of action is to wait and see what Castor will do.
Matilda: We shouldn't wait for them to make a move first. We have to strike while they're still in disarray.
Drakovic: They're both good points. So, you're looking at me to make the final decision now? Remember, I can offer you advice, nothing more.
Hilbert: Just your advice would be a great help to us.
Drakovic: Hmm, well...

Drakovic: Let's meet again in the morning. I'll have a better idea of the situation by then.
Hilbert: Thanks. We'll go rest now and come back tomorrow.
- That night...

Ethan: Lorenza... It would've been better if you hadn't seen me.
Lorenza: What are you talking about? Were you just going to disappear without a word? We're friends, aren't we? So why are you leaving all of a sudden?

Ethan: I can't stay with you all any longer.
Lorenza: What? Why!?

Ethan: Fourteen years ago, the Empire invaded. My hometown was completely burned to the ground. Many people died, including the rest of my family. The only ones who survived were Castor and I.

Ethan: The day after, more soldiers came. We thought they were coming back to kill us. I was hiding among the rubble with my brother, carrying the sword of a dead soldier. When one of them was about to discover us, I jumped out and stabbed him. He died on the spot. Castor and I were rescued afterwards by Zawu, but that man... The man I killed, he was...

Lorenza: No...

Ethan: It would be better if I left...

Lorenza: I understand you feel guilty about it, but what could you be expected to do in that situation?
Ethan: Even then, I can't stay around him any longer. It's too painful. I can at least forget about it as long as I'm alone.

Lorenza: If it's too much for you to bear, you should talk to him about it. It's the only way you can come to terms with it.
Ethan: No... there's no way I could tell him. I can't do that sort of thing.

Ethan: If I find out anything, I'll let you know about it.

Lorenza: I can tell Randolph for you... or I'll keep quiet about it if that's what you want. Just... don't leave us because of this. We're all friends. I don't want to lose any of you.
Ethan: . . . . Promise me that you won't tell him. If he has to be told, I want to do it myself. I don't want him to find out from someone else.
Lorenza: I'm sure he won't be angry with you. It's been fourteen years, after all. So... Are you going to come back with me?

Ethan: Castor is my older brother. Back then, he was sixteen, I was fourteen. Even though he's the older one, I had to protect him all the time, even during the attack. But after that, when we became soldiers, Castor began to change.

Ethan: It's not a coincidence that he ended up being made a general instead of me. He fought really hard to become strong.

Ethan: This time, he's going to try to prove that he's stronger than Hilbert. I don't know how he'll do it, but he'll find some way... even if it costs him his life.
Lorenza: You must've been a good brother to him. I think he never truly realized it. And not just you. I can tell that Zawu really cares for you both too, even if she doesn't normally show it.

Ethan: Thank you, Lorenza.

Matilda: But that mocking smile of yours brings me straight back to reality. Well, let's see if Drakovic managed to come up with anything.

Hilbert: Hey. Did you come up with anything?
Drakovic: Well, I was off on a good start, but my thought process was interrupted by a letter. It was addressed to you guys, but it wasn't sealed or anything so I took the liberty of reading it. The contents will probably mean more to you than they do to me, but it sounds worrying.
Hilbert: A letter? Who is it from?
Drakovic: It was delivered anonymously. We don't know who sent it. Here, let me read it to you.

Drakovic: "General Castor has allied himself with the Havali woman known as 'Tiamat'. Under her guidance, he is searching for a place called 'Lemuria' somewhere in the Kingdom. Castor is not being himself. I fear that he's letting himself be controlled by that woman. I feel that she is a danger to all of us, but we know nothing about her. For your own importance, I ask you this: What do you know about Tiamat?"
Hilbert: So it was Castor who took Tiamat away from Entalar? She vanished after the Awakening ceremony, but we had no idea what happened to her.
Randolph: It sounds like there are people even in the Kingdom who don't like what's going on.
Zawu: If he has allied with her, it can only mean one thing. He's trying to find the source of her power. This place... Lemuria. We must find it before Castor does. What do you know about it?
Hilbert: I've never heard of it before.
Randolph: Me neither. It could be something only the Havali know about.
Lorenza: We have to talk to my grandfather. He's the one Tiamat is after, so he must know more about her.
Thorve: Agreed. We don't have much time, but there's no point in searching aimlessly. Your grandfather is the one who's most likely to be able to help us.
Hilbert: Yeah, let's go back to Entalar and ask him about it.
- Saiiiiliiiiiing~

Lorenza: Aunt Lesalia!
Lesalia: Good to see you again. I heard your ship had come back, so I came here to meet you. Did you return for any special reason?
Lorenza: Yes, we did... We want to know about Tiamat.
Lesalia: Tiamat... Does that mean... she's still around?
Lorenza: She's far away from Entalar at the moment, but we don't know what she's planning. We need to know what happened in the past in order to fight her.
Lesalia: I see... You must've come here to talk to your grandfather, then.
Lorenza: Do you know about it as well?
Lesalia: Of course. I was just a child at the time, but I've heard all about it.

Lesalia: Come, I'll take you to the castle.

Lorenza: Grandfather, it's important that you tell us everything that you know about her.
Barasur: Yes, I understand. I will explain. But know that even I cannot tell you everything. Even I don't know everything about her.

Barasur: It's different now because she slept in her prison for so long, but at that time, we were around the same age. And I... well, I suppose my personal feelings are not important here. But she was a traveler - a rare occurrence among our people. Most of us stay in the same place our entire lives, preferring the familiar to the unfamiliar.

Barasur: Months went by, and we heard nothing from them. When a full year had passed, we all thought they'd died. But finally, after having been gone for almost two years, Tiamat returned. Alone.

Barasur: She learned things on her journey. What things they were exactly, I could not tell you. But she had gained incredible power... One of the first things Tiamat did when she returned... was to foretell the war.

Hilbert: How could she have known this long in advance? Can she see the future?
Barasur: I don't know, but she warned us that one day, invaders would come from across the seas. No one listened to her, of course. Many thought she'd gone mad. And she probably had. She refused to give us any explanation of where she'd been and why she knew this. I believe that she intentionally kept it secret. She wanted to keep that power all for herself.

Barasur: She tried to overthrow the Elder and seize power for herself...
Lesalia: This is a great crime, you must understand. Even Ortas was hesitant to openly usurp power.
Barasur: We had no choice but to capture her. She was led into a trap, but even then it cost us many lives. But... even after all the damage she had caused, I could not sentence her to death...

Barasur: Yes. There was an ancient temple there. At the time, the area was not inhabited by humans yet.
Hilbert: Why is it that she hates you so much, though? If it weren't for you, she would've been killed.
Barasur: I believe I know the reason for that... Because the sealing was involuntary, it was not perfect. She was not sleeping properly.

Barasur: The endless silence must have driven her completely insane. It's no wonder that she'd hold a grudge against me, and all of the Havali.
Lorenza: So that's why...

Sailor: Castor's ship has been spotted not far from Serinal Port!
Hilbert: What!? We'll be over right away. Just give us a minute to finish up here.
Sailor: All right. I'll be waiting for you outside!

Zawu: I have a question. Do you know what her goal is?
Barasur: She seeks to destroy me... and with me, the entire Havali race. If she were to succeed... I don't know what she would do afterwards. I believe her entire existence is now fueled by her anger towards me.

Hilbert: Hmm... I see... Then we'd better hurry. Thanks for all the information. It gives us a better idea of what we're up against.

Barasur: I've been a fool. She is no longer the woman I used to know. I've been repeating the same mistakes for all these years. It has to come to an end.
Lorenza: We'll end it, grandfather. Have faith in us.

Randolph: You spoke of a legendary place that Tiamat traveled to... you don't know exactly where it is, do you?
Lesalia: We have some very old records of its existence, but nothing more.
- Old records? Just the thing!
Lesalia: According to the legends it's a holy site, probably a temple for a long-forgotten earth deity.
Randolph: Would you mind if I asked some of my men to come and study these records? We may be able to find its location. Don't worry, they're good people. If I tell them to be quiet about it they will.
Barasur: Please do so. I want you to take any measures you can to put a stop to her madness.
Randolph: Understood. I'll take care of it.
- Back on the ship...

Hilbert: Castor's ship has been found, right?
Moritz: That's right, we just got word about it. Looks like we got lucky. The exact location is a small beach just north of Serinal port, but it's nowhere near any town.
Thorve: No towns... anything else of interest in the area?
Moritz: Not that we know of. All I know is that the ship's there, and Castor himself is no longer on board.
Hilbert: He has to be looking for something in the area. Let's go after him!
- There's a newly-appeared dungeon near Serinal Port. Must be the thing!

Randolph: I don't know... but it's positively ancient.
- Yeah, didn't you see the name?
Randolph: Incredible. These ruins may be even older than the ones on Pargon Island...
Matilda: We don't have time to be impressed. What Castor was looking for must be somewhere inside.
Hilbert: And he must be ahead of us already. We have to hurry!
- So saying, we go in to fight the fearsome...

- ...boxes.

- All the doors in this dungeon have colors next to them. You can probably guess what that means.

- I wonder what this does.

- Red switch goes down, blue switch goes up, guess which doors are now open and not open?

- ^_^

- Unpleasant Pokemon flashbacks galore!

- These items are quite good, however.

- Meanwhile...

Tiamat: Yes, we're definitely in the right place. The inscriptions indicate that this structure was built around ten thousand years ago. It matches exactly with the recrods I found in Raka Mural.

Castor: Hahaha...
Tiamat: What are you laughing at?
Castor: Nothing. It's just that you seem to actually be enjoying this. I didn't think you had any interests beyond wanton destruction.
- You know Castor, if she was any less crazy, the very powerful psycho woman might take that as an insult...
Tiamat: You're a funny man. I've never met anyone who dared saying such things to me. Consider yourself lucky that you're amusing me, or that foul mouth of yours would've gotten you killed by now.

Tiamat: Being in a place like this, it brings me back...
Castor: So is that how you've come to meet humans in the past? You have met them before, haven't you?

Tiamat: I know where you came from. This way.

- Aaand back to us~


Tiamat: Haven't you noticed yet? We're no longer inside the ruins.
Castor: Then where are we?
Tiamat: Be quiet. I'm reading these inscriptions...

Tiamat: Now do you understand? This is Lemuria, the legendary ark. The whole structure was built to contain it. This is what I've been looking for...

The screen shakes
Hilbert: What was that!?
Randolph: An earthquake? Is it a coincidence, or is something going on down there?
The screen shakes again

Matilda: Be careful! We don't know if this place will hold!
Thorve: Look!

Hilbert: Come on! Let's go after it!
- On the overworld...

Castor: Something like this was built ten thousand years ago?
Tiamat: I understood everything, when I read those old scriptures. It was all in there. All of this, all these advancements that had gone to waste and were forgotten... The world today is only a shadow of how it used to be.

Tiamat: All the people on this planet... they're pitiful. They're not even worthy of existing. I will...

Tiamat: Yes, you're right. We have to do something. With this ship, we can finally crush Entalar. I'm setting course immediately!
Castor: Stop that. Have a little patience. Can you pilot this whole ship all by yourself? You think they'll lay down and surrender? Sooner or later, we'll be under attack. You can't do everything at once.

- back to us plz?

- Thank you.
Thorve: There's no mistaking it. That really was...
Randolph: A flying ship.
Matilda: Can we follow it in the Brunhild?
Hilbert: No way. Look how fast it's going.
Matilda: Either way, we need to do something. Let's go back.

Next time on Last Scenario... What is Castor's plan? Who will betray who first, Tiamat or Castor? And why does someone have an airship in this game and it isn't the player!? All this (possibly) and more, next update!

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