♥McDanno Comment Fest♥
The Rules:
♥) Anything Steve and/or Danny is more than welcome! Alex/Scott is welcome too.
♥) Fic is encouraged, pictorial inspiration is a must, of course!
♥) gif, vids, capslock, icons, however you want to express your fannish soul, then do it!
♥) If posting fic, please include ratings and warnings (if applicable) in the heading.
♥) Don't be a jackass. Please.
Pimp it!
★http://screamoutloud.livejournal.com/240885.html" _fcksavedurl="http://screamoutloud.livejournal.com/240885.html" _fcksavedurl="http://screamoutloud.livejournal.com/240885.html">McDanno Comment Fest!★