2008 Roundup of Fic

Dec 31, 2008 19:02

Goodbye - Harry/Draco - PG-13
Harry comes home to find suitcases by the door, but all is not what it seems.

Survivors Guilt - Harry/Draco - PG-13 - Mpreg
Draco despairs over Harry's recovery.

A Very Nervous Engagement - PG-13
Harry is so nervous he is bordering on panic.

April Showers - Harry/Draco - R
Sometimes it takes the rug being pulled out from under you to realise you hated the damned rug to begin with. A wake up call was exactly what Harry needed to get his life back.

Seeing You Through The Dark - Harry/Draco - PG
Drabble - Coversations at Bedtime

Hurt The Ones You Love - Harry/Draco - PG-13
Harry is a typical teenager, naiive, impetuous and madly in love with the wrong person. Flangst.

Little Insecurities - Harry/Draco - PG
Harry ponders over his and his friend's relationships.

Night Clubbing - Harry/Draco - PG-13
Maybe Harry has been going about these things in the wrong way. Maybe going out and simply looking for his next fuck was better than putting his heart out there to be stamped on.

Goodbye To All That - Harry/Draco - PG-13
Life changes all the time, for Harry Potter this is no exception. However, for a long time there has been on constant in Harry's life and that's Draco.

Another Manipulation - Harry/Snape - R
Severus had long ago decided that he would not be manipulated on behalf of the Boy Who Lived, but he was in for a rude awakening.

Of Automobiles and Puppydogs. - Harry/Draco - PG
Drabble - Harry questions his parenting skills.

What a measley amount of fic I've managed to get through, though this year was the first year I've spent working full time throughout (almost) the entire year.

Next years goal? Must try harder.

2008ficroundup, harry/snape, harry/draco

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