May 10, 2007 15:18
On one hand, I have been assigned to writing thank-you notes which actually literally include the particularly odious phrase "Get 'R Done." I guess a part of me had always assumed I would never have occasion to say, type, or otherwise have anything to do with it if I didn't want to. Shows what I know!
On the other hand, as I was out for a walk listening to my CD player on my afternoon break, a nice little old lady* also out for a walk noticed my ID badge and thanked me(!) "for being a part of an organization without which [she] wouldn't be alive." I mean, what do you even say to that?! I gave her a thumbs up and said we'd try to keep up the good work.
So I guess it all evens out!
*Hey, Kate -- if only she knew what I was listening to!