Dec 28, 2005 15:05
Seeing as there is only a few days left in the year, it's time to ressurect my new years resolution post and see what I have a accomplished this year:
"Play Meatsock's show again: Baldy is moving to CA in January so I have to get down to CT and play Meatsock's show with Baldy as a fairwell party type thing. Anyone want to take a road trip to CT with me to be on a late night radio show? Let me know and you can come."
COMPLETED. I made it to Baldy's going away show, it was a fun time in which I humilated myself, my friends and my family. But hey, that's the ScreamerClauz Way
"Put out a CD: I have been making music since 1997 and have yet to release a real CD, just MP3's and promo CD's. Since CD production is relativly cheap and I have a semi "popular" record label, I'm putting out a fucking CD god fucking damn it"
COMPLETED. I release "Zombies Ate Out My Neighbors!" in Feb. Nobody bought it, but I fucking released it damn it!
"Put out a vinyl: I have been saying that I am going to put out a record for like 3-4 years now but something or someone keeps fucking me over preventing me from doing it! So I'm going to put out a vinyl this year god damn it, it WILL happen! The release on Strike records doesn't count, I'm refering to a DPR vinyl."
Never happened :/ My release on Strike still hasn't come out either, whoa is me.
"Buy another camera: preacher23 & Matt broke my other camera (well, it probably wasn't there fauly, but hey. I need someone to blame and they had it last) it was pretty shitty anyway, fucking VHSC. So I am going to dish out $3,000 and pick up either a Canon Xl1-S or a Panasonic X100A. "
COMPLETED. I am the proud owner of a Panasonic DVX100A, it's nice.
"Make more music videos: I already have 2 planned out but I don't have a good camera (see above) or money for funding my stupid gore movies. But I will make at least one....hopefully"
Never happened :/ but really by my own choice. I did how ever start a film called "ScreamerClauz Vs The Nazis" but it was coming out like shit, one good thing did come out of it, see short films for more info
"Write more scripts: I have 2 first drafts that run about 80 and 90 pages or so, they can still use more work but I think that 2 full length scripts is pretty good, damn it. I have a bunch of other ones planned out and a couple of pages written here and there. I would like to write at least 5 full length and a couple shorts before the year is out, but we'll see how realistic that is. "
I wrote a bunch of scripts on and off, but I don't really have a count cause I didn't finish most of them, but I'm satisfied with what I did.
"Watch more horror movies: I was watching them really hardcore for like 2 straight months in the begging of the year and then another 2 months in the summer time this year but then I just watched them sparatically the rest of the time, so in 2005 I want to watch a bunch more. I have like 500 sitting next to me that I still need to watch, I gotta get on it!"
I watched a bunch, didn't really count them, still need to watch more but I ran out of "good" movies to see.
"Go to KY: I've been promising since I left to KY 2 years ago that someday I would return to visit my peeps, but I never did because it's a 12 hour drive, and thats long. But I really want to see Homie, Erin & Melly again, so KY here I come! "
Erin's wedding was cancelled and homie moved back to PA so I never made it down there.
"Play more shows: I only played 1 in 2004, that's some bullshit! I need to play some more, and while I'm at it I need to----"
haha I played one, I suck so bad.
"Create a stage show: I'm to crazy to just stand there mixing music, I need to have some elebrate stage show, so I need to create one, god damn it. "
Well, I created a new look (the bag) so I guess that kind of counts (nobody ever books me anyway)
"Update the website more: I was horrorible this year, lat year too. Sometimes I go months without adding anything. So I need to update it more often. It needs more craziness too. "
Eh, I slacked on this, but I redid it and junk
"Make a couple of short films: I have no such delusions that a full length movie is going to get shot this year, but I can aim for a couple of shorts, thats very possible."
From the ashes of the travesty know as "ScreamerClauz Vs The Nazis" rose "The Rise & Fall Of Moose Megatron". Also made this year: Santa's Child Molestation Tape, Scruffles, Girls Beware, and Cole. Not to bad, not to bad.
"Make more music: I produced a decent amount this year, I'd like to do even more in 2005"
I kind of slacked in this department but I produced much better stuff then ever before, so I guess quality vs quantity... right?
I will have my 2006 New Years Resolution soon.