Title: The Past Repeating...
Fandom: Kin'iro no Corda 4 (slight spoilers?)
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Corda belongs to Kure-sensei, KoeiTecmo, Ruby Party, etc.
Notes: Year of Corda: Tsuchiura Ryoutarou. (Actual birthday: 7/25)
The Past Repeating...
He stopped a few meters away, unobserved as the teens spoke with the Minato Mirai Hall employee. From this distance Tsuchiura could only faintly hear their words, inquiring about playing a concert at the venue. He couldn't help but smile to himself as he noticed the particular enthusiasm of the girl among the Seisou students, memories of another female high school student bubbling to the surface.
Title: A little trip
Fandom: Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 2
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Haruka belongs to Mizuno-sensei, KoeiTecmo, Ruby Party, etc.
Notes: Year of Haruka: Isato. (Actual birthday: 7/31)
A little trip
"Nn...." Isato grumbled under his breath as he followed behind Karin and Akifumi. The pair chatted amiably, which only added to his irritation. The summer heat, distraction of Karin's legs as she walked in front of him, the blush he remembered seeing on her cheeks after Akifumi paid her a flowery compliment so typical of nobles... Everything about this outing annoyed Isato to the point of wanting to yell.
His instincts and quick reflexes moved Isato before he realized what was happening, and he blinked down at Karin dumbly after saving her from tripping. A blush not unlike the one he'd seen earlier colored her face, and Isato found his irritation melting away as he steadied her upon her own two feet.
Title: Hope and Intent
Fandom: Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 3
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Haruka belongs to Mizuno-sensei, KoeiTecmo, Ruby Party, etc.
Notes: Year of Haruka: Arikawa Masaomi. (Actual birthday: 8/12)
Hope and Intent
Masaomi gave Tsunemasa and Tomomori a parting wave and made his way to his tent. He felt exhausted, though the thought of tomorrow's peace talks buoyed his steps. There was little doubt in his mind that the war could be laid to rest once the key players sat down to air their grievances and discuss compromises.
And I'll see Kurou again, too.
Title: Wildflowers
Fandom: Harukanaru Toki no Naka de
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Haruka belongs to Mizuno-sensei, KoeiTecmo, Ruby Party, etc.
Notes: Year of Haruka: Inori. (Actual birthday: 8/18)
A flash of bright yellow caught his peripheral attention, and Inori slowed his run to a light jog and veered off to the right. Alongside the road there were wildflowers scattered among the sparse grass. Though the color initially reminded him of Shimon, Inori found himself picking a few to bring along to Fuji-hime's because the flowers were bright and sunny and he wanted to share them with Akane.