Title: Time Goes On
Fandom: Ghost Hunt
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Ono Fuyumi and Inada Shiho own the novels/manga.
Notes: Written for
akinarei's request on
this meme.
Time Goes On
Time and experience can change a person's tastes, Mai had discovered. A rather short couple of years previously she had sworn to herself that she would love Naru, doomed as that love had seemed, for the rest of her life. Discovering the truth behind her dreams of him had shaken her emotions deeply and forced Mai to go back over all the little things she thought she had known about her boss.
Though she still held affection for the young man in her dreams, and likely always would, Mai had moved on. She continued working for SPR after she finished high school, and her position had grown to a full-time job. More complex duties fell under her umbrella of tasks, and when the office had been moved to a slightly larger location Mai was delighted to learn she had earned a small office of her own, even if they still expected her to brew tea and make copies.
This more complex set of responsibilities had brought with it a need for an older, more reliable type of mentor than the kind Naru presented. It should not have surprised her when she realized her heart had turned an appreciative eye toward Lin, but she had become accustomed to ignoring its erratic skipping at inopportune moments. It took a rather klutzy and embarrassing incident with a broken teapot and cut fingers to make her realize how strong her feelings for him had grown.
Why hadn't she realized that pointed looks from Naru no longer made her heart pound? When had the pride she took in her work after receiving a rare compliment from Lin changed into something that made her blush?
Months had passed since that fateful day. Mai had no intention of telling Lin about her heart's inept attempts at a drum roll while in his presence, but if Takigawa didn't stop making jokes whenever he stopped into the office about how red she turned around the quiet man then Lin really would find out. After she threatened Takigawa with telling the entire office about how she had seen him kissing Ayako under an awning during a passing shower while on her way to work one morning, to which he only grinned with satisfaction and told her to go ahead, Mai knew there was little she could do to keep his mouth shut. She didn't want to seem like a fickle child to Lin, who was more mature than anyone she had ever met. He knew about her previous infatuation with Naru, hell, the group of regulars who helped at SPR all knew, and Mai hated the idea that Lin would think she simply turned her thoughts to him after things never progressed with Naru. More so than that, though, Mai absolutely did not want to do anything to jeopardize her job. She loved working for SPR and had no desire to either leave or get fired, her own emotions be damned.
In the end, Mai's determination had lacked foresight when she went into work that day. She delivered the usual mid-morning tea to Naru and then to Lin, but after she had set the cup and saucer down on the latter's desk he had caught her wrist with nimble fingers. In the time that it took Mai to blink uncomprehendingly at his hand a few times and then look up at him Lin had stood from his chair and leaned over his desk to touch his lips to her forehead gently. A few moments passed with Mai too stupefied to move, then Lin was seated again as he calmly thanked her for the tea and resumed his work. Mai thought later that her stammered reply and hasty retreat were less awkward than lots of other reactions she might have come up with if her brain had been functioning properly. As it was, she did not get much work done the rest of the day, but at least she no longer had to worry about how to keep Takigawa from spilling her secret.