(no subject)

Jan 24, 2004 18:59

01. Do you enjoy depressing music? that's almost all i listen to
02. What makes you sigh? when the boy finally kisses the girl ;)
03. How many hours a day, on average, do you spend feeling sorry for yourself? probably 4-5, on average.
04. Who or what always brings you down? the ex-boyfriend
05. Do you wear glasses? i own some
06. What frightens you? really pointy, skinny objects (odd, i know.)
07. Do you wear sweaters all the time? nope
08. What makes you tick? my brain?
09. How many times has your heart been broken? just once
10. What do you think of Dashboard Confessional? they're cute.<3

01. Tell me about that time you broke that law!? THAT TIME? haha..how about "tell me your life story"...jeesh.
02. What or who pisses you off? greedy/ignorant/jealous people
03. Would you rather date a sissy or a homebody? sissy
04. Sex or drugs or breaking stuff? all the above baby
05. The Clash or The Ramones? ramones <3
06. What do you think about Anarchy? whatever floats your boat.
07. Tell me about a prank you played!? i told my mama i was pregnant on april fools last year. almost gave the poor woman a heart attack.
08. Do you do things that are "bad for your body"? mainly drugs.
09. How many times have/were you kicked out of somewhere? 2 times i can remember - wendy's in 7th grade (ang spilled her whole large coke on the jerm) + waterbeds n' stuff freshman year (ryan picked me up and pushed me up against the side of the store and started making out with me with my legs around him *i was in a skirt and fishnets. woo*)
10. Are you in trouble all the time? my parents are really really cool, so no, even though i should be.

01. Do you want to die? Not anymore
02. What do you think about graveyards? they're cool at nite. =)
03. Do you write poetry often? yep
04. How much black clothing do you own? a whole bunch from 8th grade when it was our 'thing'
05. What type of makeup do you wear? black eyeliner, mascara, lipstick sometimes
06. What do you think about pain? it's a part of life, though it sucks.
07. Masochism or sadism? Neither.
08. How do you feel about the rest of the world? you suck.
09. Do you cry often? not anymore
10. What do you think about vampires? i don't.

01. How messy are you in general? myself or my room? they are two completely different stories.
02. Do you bang your head on things repeatedly? nope
03. What do you think of mullets? i make fun of people who have them
04. When did you start drinking alchohol? when i was 12-13
05. Do you go to concerts often? lately i have been
06. What bands rock your pants off? taking back sunday, brandnew, yellowcard, something corporate, finch, sublime, sugarcult, halo friendlies, get up kids, nofx, goldfinger, mxpx...ok im done thinking.
07. What do you think about violence? if you really need to kick someone's ass you might as well do it.
08. Who or what makes you homicidal? boys.
09. Worship Satan or practice black magic? nope
10. How wild are you in general? i don't know..i've mellowed since junior high.

01. Are you wearing any clean clothes right now? ew..of course.
02. How often do you do the laundry, anyway? i'll wear pants 2 days in a row if the need exists. i don't really know how often..whenever it needs done!
03. Do you wear flannel shirts a lot? not at all
04. When was the last time you showered? about an hour ago
05. Do you speak clearly? yanno what...sometimes i really don't. im naturally softspoken ;)
06. Are you a lazy person? ehh..yeah.
07. Do you play any instruments? i used to play clarinet, does that count?
08. Who or what do you rant about a lot? my exboyfriend
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