(no subject)

Mar 21, 2006 00:04

More sports linkage:

If you thought Free Darko was odd, then you need to go read The Wizznutzz. I can't give the site justice, so I'll just quote them verbatim:

"Were the rumors even tru? No one will know. Theonly trade rumour that was even possible under the salary rules was Etan Thomas for Dylan Thomas and cash, but the trade was shot down cuz Dylan Thomas scored a 7 on the Wunderlic Test* and is allergic to shorts.


*Sample Answer from Dylan Thomas' wunderlic test

14. Assume the first two statements are true. Is the final one:
1. true, 2. false, 3. not certain?
Tom greeted Beth. Beth greeted Dawn. Tom did not greet Dawn.

Dead men naked they shall be one
With the man in the wind and the west moon

(same answer as Tyrone Lue gave!)"

Yeah. Yeah. The Wizznutzz, ladies and gentlemen. Probably only mildly comprehensible to people reasonably obsessed with the NBA. Still pretty entertaining regardless, or at least it seems like it should be.

In other news, if you use "gil" when you mean "dollars", I reserve the right to think that you are:

a) some kid who doesn't know any better
b) a complete nimrod.
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