Royal Air Force PT 1

Dec 12, 2008 05:42

Title: Royal Air Force
Rating: PG..... PG13 MAX
Word Count:Complete, 1818
Warnings: Complete disregard of POV, Muggleish!Pansy, Ginny!bashing
Summary:Harry and Pansy speak at their reunion. Sparks don't fly at first, but a friendship evolves that starts to influence Albus Severus.
Disclaimer:This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
A/N: So I know I'm last posting this fic. I know. Work has kept me crazy for the past few days and the internet connection here is pretty horrible. So, this is Royal Air Force, and this fic was inspired by a conversation my friend and I had about how Pansy could redeem herself from the terrible things she has done in the past. I also guessed a lot on timeline stuff for the Royal Air Force ie. the time spent in ranks. I compared them to the US Military and guessed. So, if it isn't accurate, I'm really sorry, and please, send me an e-mail and I'd be happy to fix it!

“I’m a medic.” Pansy took a sip of her martini glass and looked over the brim at Harry Potter.

“Oh, that’s smashing. Mediwizardry is an upcoming career, I’ve heard.” Swigging off of his butterbeer, Harry smiled and watched as Ginny danced across the Great Hall with Seamus Finnegan.

“Potter, not Mediwizardry, just a medic.” She wiped the smear of lip stick off of the lip of her glass before setting it down on the table. “A medic in the Royal Air Force.”

“Like.. Muggle Royal Air Force?” Harry knitted his brows together and set his bottle down.

“Like Muggle Royal Air Force.” She nodded and looked across the dance hall. “Why are you talking to me Potter? Twenty five years, and we’ve not spoken a word, but now you’re talking with me like we are old friends.”

Harry shrugged and looked at her, “Mostly because I’m lonely.”

She looked at him and rolled her eyes, “You have a wife, three kids, a mutt, and an extended family that is ridiculous.”

“You aren’t kidding are you?”

“About?” She tapped her fingers on the table before crossing her legs under her dark burgundy dress.

“The Royal Air Force.” Harry looked at her from behind his thick glasses. “You’ve not been in this world for ages.”

Pansy Parkinson shrugged her pale shoulders and said, “Well, after the war, I couldn’t find a job in this world. No one would hire me after my antics.” Tapping her wand to refill her glass, she said, “I tried to get a job here, but because of you, no one would hire me. So, I’ve been there for almost fifteen years.”

“Fifteen years in the Royal Muggle Air Force, as a medic.” Harry shook his head, it was almost unbelievable. “And you’re happy?”

“Unbelievably.” She laughed and smiled, “So, you said I’ve been away from the world too long, Potter.”

“I thought you of all people would have kept up with the papers.” He smiled slightly. “Fifteen years.”

“You’re avoiding the question, Potter.”

“Of course I am.” He grinned cheekily before saying, “Well, I have three children, and an obscenely extended family, and I’m head of the Department now.”

“Oh!” Pansy looked at him slyly and said, “So your eyes were wandering to your ex-wife who is currently dancing with a friend of yours from school.” Smirking, she said, “Now I see why you are sitting with me, piranha of the class of 1997.”

“Well, that’s not all. I’m still really curious.”


Sixteen year old Albus Severus looked over his silver rimmed glasses at the witch sitting across the table. “So, you’re a mediwitch?”

“Not quite.” Pansy cut a small bit of eggs off of her omelet. “I do it all without the wizarding certification. Instead, I went to Muggle University for eight years.”

“Isn’t that going against the whole reason for why you went to Hogwarts then?” Albus narrowed his green eyes and asked, “So you actually have to touch them?”

Pansy smiled and nodded, “I’ve been up to my elbows in entrails in the middle of a battle field, trying to slow the stop of blood from a soldier.”

Screwing his face up, Albus said, “That is rather gruesome.”

“It’s a gruesome world.” Pansy shrugged and put the forkful of eggs into her mouth and watched as a tired Harry walked into the kitchen.

“Mornin’.” He yawned before pouring himself a cup of thick black coffee.

“Da, Pansy touches people entrails. She put needles into people’s arms.” He blinked at his father before saying, “Can I fly a helicopter?”

Looking at his son and almost spitting out a mouthful of scalding hot coffee, Harry looked at Pansy. “Where did this come from?”

She shrugged and said, “I might have told him a story about flying over the Sinai Peninsula, landing in the middle of a dust storm, picking up three wounded Americans, and keeping them from dying as the Pilot dodged six rocket attacks.” She paused, “You know, the normal stories of survival as a Group Captain in the Royal Air Force. “

Harry looked at Al and said, “You’re mother is going to kill me if you went into a Muggle career.”


Clinging onto her hand, Albus looked at his father. “You mean, this machine doesn’t run on magic?” His eyes were wide with excitement, it was the first time he had ever seen a helicopter in person.

“Of course not.” Pansy laughed before moving them to a ninety degree angle of the helicopter. “It runs on hydrogen.”

“Hydrogen.” Albus let the foreign word slip over his tongue as Harry laughed.

“Hydrogen.” Harry nodded his head and adjusted his glasses as he watched Pansy salute the group and tell them at ease. “Highly explosive, inflammable, and dangerous.”

Grinning maniacally, Albus looked at Pansy and asked, “Really?”


“That was probably the most smashing thing I’ve ever done.” Albus looked at Pansy and his father before saying, “I’m going to go tell Scorp all about it, he’ll be so jealous.”

Watching his son move up the stairs, Harry looked at Pansy and said, “He makes a really strange Slytherin.”

Pursing her lips, Pansy turned to him and said honestly, “He’s a perfect Slytherin. He’s just as ambitious as any Slytherin I’ve ever met.”


“I cannot believe he brought her.” Ginny muttered to Hermione as she sipped her mother’s egg nog.

“Well, you brought Seamus.” Hermione shrugged and scratched behind the ears of Albus’ dog.

“That is different.” Ginny scowled and crossed her legs and huffed.

“You’re jealous that Albus likes her.”

“She is almost Muggle!” Ginny let out in a frustrated cry.

“Muggle?” Hermione lifted her eyebrows and looked at her long time friend and sister -in-law. “Is there something wrong with a Muggle career? I believe my parents have Muggle careers.”

“My little boy has so much potential.” Ginny let a tear slip from her eye, “I don’t want him to waste it on a career path that anyone can do.”

-To be continued

harry, hppp, albus severus, royal air force, christmas fest, multi chap, pansy

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