Adam on the Rolling Stone Indonesia, April 2010 edition

Jul 05, 2010 01:57

Here be the scans of an interview published in Rolling Stone Indonesia, last April. The interview was done in Singapore, during Adam's first visit there. I don't buy magazines, so I didn't know about this until @radithkautsari scanned the whole thing for me (Thank you, bb! :DDD)

There's nothing really new here, but there are some interesting parts I'd like to share (as usual, they're in bold), so here's the translation :


With his debut album, Adam Lambert wants to be a fantasy and an escape for his fans : both men and, especially, women.

By Icha Rahmanti

Adam Mitchell Lambert is the type of person whose mere existence could bright up the entire room. The positive energy that he radiates is contagious. On March 13 2009, appearing from the rear entrance of the Singapore Ritz Carlton Hotel's meeting hall, the American Idol 2009 runner-up makes his way to approach every one in the room and warmly shakes each of our hands.

Today he's wearing a diamonds-encrusted t-shirt across which the word Queen is written, a black leather jacket which he later takes off, a pair of jeans, boots, a bangle that goes a long the length of his forearm and a horde of rings around his fingers --there's one with a pair of snakes, one with a black skull and another one in silver. Lambert almost sits down and begins the interview session, but he's quickly back on his feet because something seems to catch his attention.

The culprit is the t-shirt worn by one of Sony Music Indonesia's personnels. It's a blue shirt with a parody of an advertisement for an energy drink brand; it has two bulls butting heads with the words "censored" (T/N : I think the brand name goes here, but RS Indonesia can't print the endorsement :P) and "an orgy drink" written underneath them. Not only does he praise the shirt, Lambert spares some time to take a picture of it with his cellphone camera. "Before I forget it," he says. Another person receives another praise from Lambert for wearing a snake skin-patterned scarf. The attention for details Lambert gives to everyone in the room is amazing.

Lambert then confesses that he has never worn polo shirts and he wears sneakers only when he jogs. He also openly and expressively shares with us his daily life before American Idol, what was requested in his rider, what has changed in him after Idol, and why he prefers men over women.

Tell me what your typical day was before American Idol!

Before Idol, I was involved in a musical called Wicked in Los Angeles. We performed eight times a week, with one day-off. I usually had to be ready in the theatre at 7. The show itself ran for 3 hours. After the show, I would go out to get dinner and hang out with my friends for a little while, then go to sleep and do it all over again the next day.

So you're used to hardwork before all this.

Yes. But that was three hours a day. These days, I work the entire time! (laughs) I work even harder now, but what I get in return is far more rewarding. I had a lot of fun being in Wicked. It was a blast! But, back then, there was always someone who directed me, who told me what to wear or what to do. Now, I can do anything I want, I can visualize my own visions. Now, I'm being my own boss (chuckles).

Most American Idol contestants I met (I've interviewed David Archuleta and Kris Allen) used to be so shy and lacked self-confidence before they got on the show. But you're a totally different story.

(Cuts in) Yeah! You're thinking, I'm not at all shy, right? (laughs)

No, you're completely different. You seem very confident and outgoing. But isn't there anything in you that changes after American Idol?

There is. I am now more confident with my ability as an artist, because I feel like I just got my validation. People are reacting positively to what I do, loving what I create, which improves my confidence as a singer. I've been doing this for nine years before the show. I used to do singing gigs here and there. So, besides feeling validated, I also feel like I've finally paid my dues, even though now I have to work even harder than I did before. But I don't mind it at all.

Do you remember, during that wait before Ryan Seacrest announced the winner of last year's American Idol, what was going on in your head at the time?

Back then I thought "This is it! It's the toss-coin moment!". Because I thought it was either him (Kris Allen) or me. And I really didn't know who was going to win. But I'm glad I stayed on until the very last (the finale) and he's also very talented. His performance at the finale was remarkable.

And you seemed so sincere at the time, because the first thing you did was hugging and congratulating him.

I was! He's so great and I'm happy for him. To be honest, I was actually very relieved that it (American Idol) was over. All that stress, the work, the nerve-wreck, it was all so crazy. Pheeew... when it was finally announced, I thought, "It's finally over!". So, I didn't really care who won, as long as it was over and there was no more stress!

Your style is so established. This is the image of an Adam Lambert : glitter, bling, glam rock and just a little touch of gothic. Has it crossed your mind to change your style someday?

Actually, my style changes with every song. In the "For Your Entertainment" video, I went all glam, but in the "Whataya Want From Me" video, it's still glam but it's the softer side of it, because it's a more emotional song. It's not as flashy as "FYE". So it depends on the mood and what the song is all about.

Tell us about your album, For Your Entertainment!

(T/N : *groooans* Can't I just skip this part? I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who can answer this in his exact words right off the top of my head, lol!)

I think it's a different, refreshing album. It's a new combination of things. There's the glam rock and classic rock influences blended into today's dance and pop, so it's more of a mesh of two styles. There's a song for every activity : there's a track that's perfect for the gym, there's one for walking down the street, there's another for dancing and clubbing, there are some that are just plain silly and funny, but there are also emotional, fragile and serious numbers. So there's one for everybody here. If I have to compare this album to a color, I'd say it's a rainbow. I call it "a sonic dress-up party".

When it comes to songs, I think the most personal one is "Broken Open", the liveliest is "Strut" and the most inspiring is "Aftermath". I worked with a lot of great musicians on this album and I also wrote five songs. The people whom I actually work together directly are Lady Gaga, Ryan Tedder, Sam Sparro and Linda Perry.

"Soaked" was written by Muse. It started out when someone from my label (RCA), who knew their manager, told them how much I love the band and asked if they would be willing to write me a song. "Soaked" is a song they had that didn't make it into their album. When I first heard it, I was in love. It was so good. It reminded me of Elton John, Shirley Bassey, Queen. It has a really thick retro feel. It's amazing. This song tells the story of searching for love in all the wrong places. I experienced this a few years ago. So this song is describing the vicious cycle of looking (for love) in the wrong ways. I think, going to bars, getting drunk and trying to look for the real love won't give a solution or answer to what you're actually looking for and you know that, but you keep doing it anyway.

Is there anything special from your rider? (T/N : I don't know what "rider" is, but I assume it's sort of like a personal demand artists makes to the event organizer?)

Nothing really special. The most I could ask for were a Red Bull, a granola bar and some mineral water. Just normal stuff.

In the future, if you want to ask for something special in your rider, what would you want?

(Laughs) What would I want...? I'm not that high-maintenance. I like taking care of my own stuff, you know? I don't know what I want in the future. Maybe... colorful glitters? (Laughs outloud) Except during live shows, I pretty much do my own makeup. I did mine today (he moves his index finger around his eyes)

I'm sorry, but I have to ask you this, in the name of all the women in the world. Last night, girls were obviously crazy about you. Not only are you talented, you're also amazingly hot. Quite an eligible bachelor. So, what exactly is it that we, women, don't have...

(Cuts in) A penis!!! (laughs heartilly, while the entire room laughs and applauds him loudly) I'm sorry... (chuckles)

Yes, this curiosity kills, for sure. You're so attractive and ideal as a man. We just want to know.

I'm very flattered that women find me attractive or sexy or etc. At the end of the day, what I do in bed isn't important because I'm an entertainer. My job is to entertain, to create a fantasy, an escape, for my fans. So when I'm on the stage and they think I'm sexy, attractive, etc., I take it as a compliment. In reality, I'll never sleep with my fans (T/N : OIC)

(At the end of the conference, while signing autographs, Adam goes out of his way to tell me, adding his statement from my last question:)

I'm really, really flattered that the women find me attractive. Don't get me wrong, I think women are such beautiful, attractive creatures too. I'm not the type of gay man that thinks women are disgusting, not at all. To me, you women are beautiful and gorgeous!

/ holy wall of text, batman!

Mentally-fapping!Lambliff thanks you for your time ♥

X-posted to hooplamagnet

adam lambert

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