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glompwitch February 27 2010, 08:23:35 UTC

Miss Kat, could you please share a few observations with me? Lock the thread, just in case, but... This sounds a little familiar.


[Locked] scrapperzen February 27 2010, 08:29:15 UTC
Something in mind, Meg?


Re: [Locked] glompwitch February 27 2010, 08:34:25 UTC
... The methods sound familiar to Myey's, but without certain key dots, I can't be sure.

Do the investigators know anything, at all, about the kidnapper yet that they've shared with you?


Re: [Locked] scrapperzen February 27 2010, 08:40:28 UTC
I think you've got access to everything I've got access to. I was in a bit too much of a rush to find Luna to join up with the investigators properly.

But... just looking at the conversations that have taken place behind locks, several key pieces of information stood out to me.

Why do you think this sounds like Myey?


Re: [Locked] glompwitch February 27 2010, 08:48:08 UTC
... Rapid movement of people... The thing to check for, would be to see if we can try and repeatedly check two different kidnapped people.

If their movements are distinct... There's a high probability that this is not a kidnapping at all. Myey's pattern when she tries to conquer things - and it's a pretty successful one usually - is to charm, hypnotize, brainwash, or otherwise gain control over a small sample of people, and use them to start establishing influence. Remember, her entire base is Succubi, so she has the tools to pull that.

Problem is, without certain tell-tale things...


Re: [Locked] scrapperzen February 27 2010, 08:57:14 UTC
I'm aware, but the difference is mere semantics. If a person can't make the choice, it's still against their will. Which makes it kidnapping.

I've dealt with Succubi before. I've helped several heroes cook up binding spells, and wards to break a succubus's hold.

And if this IS a succubus... well, she messed with the wrong group. ... And if it's an Incubus, HE messed with the wrong group. Blah...

Anyway, I'm working to cook up the proper spells to track as we speak. Given the rate of movement, I doubt as though anyone's being dragged around.


Re: [Locked] glompwitch February 27 2010, 08:59:23 UTC
... Can you reference me to anything that might reveal if it's one of Myey's?

Because if it is... We may have much bigger problems on our hands... Or might have much smaller ones than it seems, depending on a few things.


Re: [Locked] scrapperzen February 27 2010, 09:02:33 UTC
That depends... Were you able to see Mr. Sanders' prior post? I can certainly point out a couple of things, but I'll have to transcribe them for you if you can't see it.

... And because of privacy, I won't feel comfortable showing the whole thing if you can't see it.


Re: [Locked] glompwitch February 27 2010, 09:04:39 UTC
*Megaera looks through the post...*

... The anonymous person who appears to be the kidnapper says two things that are tell-tale signs that this is one of my former co-workers we're dealing with. She openly promised non-violence outside of self-defense... By almost verbatim quoting part of Myey's creed.

She then goes on about having no free will, being just a tool...

... Well, good news there. If she didn't lie, Myey herself isn't involved...

... Which almost makes this problem self-solving.


Re: [Locked] scrapperzen February 27 2010, 09:18:15 UTC
Sounds like you have some idea who's involved?

Don't get too far ahead of yourself. Even in the game of prediction, making assumptions is dangerous.

And that "almost" can mean the difference between life and death.

Still, I'm all ears...


Re: [Locked] glompwitch February 27 2010, 09:29:23 UTC
There's a fair chance it's the girl who was my immediate subordinate... Her name is Pidonus Marasia, and like me, she was researching Digital Worlds. It'd make sense for her to show up too.

Myey's a master schemer, able to manipulate people to her own ends seemingly without fail... But she's not very good at the 'trust' thing. She suspects even people she literally owns the soul of - and thus has absolute control over. So while she trains them to be the best minions and mid-level aides possible... She explicitly avoids training them to be able to organize an effective evil plot without her ( ... )


Re: [Locked] scrapperzen February 27 2010, 09:45:28 UTC
Something wrong, you say?

Please, elaborate. I'm taking notes on this...


Re: [Locked] glompwitch February 27 2010, 09:50:59 UTC
Think about it.

When I came here, my soul was restored to me. Probably because mystical ties get broken in the transfer, so it had to so that I could live. But I found myself here with free will again, and I've been trying to do good since. You've seen that, and I will happily accept any truth test to prove it.

Unless Myey herself has shown up... Shouldn't anyone else of hers who arrived also have had their free will restored?

But if Myey herself has shown up, there's no modest chance I'd no longer have my free will. Old contracts could have kicked back in on her arrival. But the fact that I haven't suddenly decided to seduce and brainwash more than half of the faculty and students of MAGI indicates that isn't the case.

It's a contradiction. If Myey isn't here, she should have her will back. If Myey is, I shouldn't have mine.


Re: [Locked] scrapperzen February 27 2010, 09:57:31 UTC

I take it you haven't considered the elaborate possibilities, or the downright depressing ones.

For example... If you were brought here before your former mistress, then it's entirely possible that the bond was broken. Or, for whatever reason, Yggdrasil may have thought you'd be better off with free will.

On the other hand... depending on how long an existence goes, free will may just be an illusion. Devotion to a cause that persists long after the cause itself has ceased to be.

But... these are simply idle theories. And while they pose a peripheral interest, they're probably not going to help us here. If this is one of yours, and it's a BIG if... do you have any thoughts on how to break the hold?


Re: [Locked] glompwitch February 27 2010, 10:11:36 UTC
If it's Pidonus? We can either get her to break them out of it, or use the same methods to cancel it out. So if they were minionized via hypnosis, use hypnosis in turn. If charmed, charm in turn to create a motivational split that will open their minds to normal disenchanting - which otherwise would be painfully difficult and require significant psychotherapy. Pidonus won't likely have ordered them to resist such things from people that aren't her - again, a detail she'd miss, but Myey wouldn't.

... There's another possibility. Yggdrasill doesn't seem to change people. No memories shifted or the like. Only what's needed due to the isolation.

While I'm an exception thanks to a contractual loophole, most of Myey's minions are trained to forget anything from before they were her minion - to literally think of her as a mother and creator, to make them behave more servile. She could in fact be fully free-willed... And not realize it because she can't remember being so before.

That route... God, that'd be sad...


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