Title: The Wellspring
Fandom(s): Supernatural, Dark Angel
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Rating: Ah, fuck. I just said fuck. I say fuck a lot. Is that considered an R or a PG-13 these days? One of those.
Summary: Sam and Dean find a tiny smartass in a barn in Montana. What are they to do?
Warnings: Crude language, cuddles, ice cream
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Comments 32
I laughed out loud at this part:
Apparently that sort of discipline doesn’t fly with genetically engineered killing machines. No, genetically engineered killing machines thrive on cuddles and ice cream.
Seriously, those two lines made my day.
And oh, wow, but Ben and his delusions are gonna be scary when they come out and no one has any CLUE about it.
I am in total love with this story. Thank you so much for posting it, and so quickly too!
Friggin' perfect. I love the new team of Sam and Ben, intending to nurture Alec out of his repressing ways, and I love that they both recognize that Ben was hurt today, but Alec was hurt worse.
Great chapter. My heart does happy thumpers every single time I see an update of this, I hope you know.
Ha ha! Poor Sam and Dean! And their total meltdown when they realise the boys aren't anywhere... awwww.
Dean’s not gonna leave his kids for longer than they can handle.
His kids...
...He didn’t just think that.
Awww, Dean! I love that he wants to do right by them, and that he's a parent already.
Dean rises with the boy in his arms, feels tiny limbs wrap around his neck and waist.
Alec doing that always melts me into a puddle of goo.
“How do we cure them of this...emotional repression?” Ben wonders
You can already see that Alec is like Dean, and Ben is like Sam, Dean clone nothwithstanding. I hope Sam addresses Ben's fixation with the Blue Lady...
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