
Dec 10, 2010 16:22

IF work could get to being any more "1984".....I, for once, would be without words....

This is so mind boggling I can't even think of clever ways to convey it, thus I shall pretty much just type it out as it was done....

Monday : No good film to wrap product in...only bad film which is causing TONS of bad product. Quality Manager comes in and views it (the Boss is absent this week). Quality says " we have 1 pallet of good film and 8 of the bad.... So here is what we the bad on the machnines that it causes the least trouble, saving our limited good film for machines that just CANNOT handle the bad film....this way we keep working (our other option was to use up the "good" and then go home w/o pay til more good film arrives). So, the "boss" not being here....that is what we do.

Boss Returns: "Oh, you made a good call, it was the best we could do" (said to our face) then he goes into a meeting and throws a FIT about all the bad product and tells us to pull ALL the bad film off the line NOW! It was a waste and we never should have done that.

THIS WEEK: same boat, our replacement film was "bad" leaving us only 2 pallets of good film to use....we can use the good up and go home, but the boss has a "great plan" he says we should "Use the bad film on the machines that can handle it, and only use our little bit of good film on the machines that can't handle the bad film at all."

My standing up in the meeting to announce my feeling of vindication didn't go very well. So, I pointed out to them (him) if it was a bad idea last week, its a bad idea this week.....SO, since you've already said it was a "great plan" this week, it must have been a "great plan" last week..." and i for one will sleep well knowing we made great decsions about how to respond to crisis last week. " /reaches to pat self on back.

So, I'm the crazy one for not being willing to say this was (a) a different idea, and (b) his own invention?

I love government work.

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