Oh god.

Jun 24, 2009 22:19

So I totally said I was going to use LJ to journal my trip, and I went and deleted all my shit so that I could start fresh and shit. but I'm only using it like I used LJ back in the day.

So, yesterday, I restored my confidence in my burger making. The past couple of times I've made burgers, everyone else tells me they taste mega good, but I can hardly choke the shit down. And I wasted 10 pounds of beef that way. But yesterday, I was biting into a burger, fully expecting to taste the same nasty shit that I've been doing lately. But instead it was heavenly. Recipe is as follows:

half kilo of ground beef (don't know enough Chinese to know how lean it was)
salt and pepper by eye
two medium cloves of garlic, diced to high hell
somewhere between and 8th and 4th of an inch slice of a medium onion, diced to high hell

They didn't even have cheese (no dairy in the land of China), but oh god did I dig that shit.

So then I go an try to use the rest of the meat I have and start offering a burger to whoever wants it for 5 kuai. Taken. Just as Pat's burger is done, I hear a knock at my door.  People think the hallway smells badass and realize it's my room. So I end up walking back down to the store to buy more beef and make the shit and this time get 10 kuai per burger (that's 40 fucking kuai, which is a lot to me right now). So I make some burgers, and they rule. But just as the second to last burger is finishing, I hear another knock. This time, it's the knock I'm dreading. They come and burst my bubble. No more fucking cooking. So now I'm god damn shit poor and can't fucking cook my own food. We go out and get some chuar and buy beers in order to let the dudes at the stand feel ok about grilling my meat. Last night was alright. But now I'm in such a shitty mood. I'm not even going to calligraphy class today, which is something I love to the max.

So, okay, I came to China to learn cooking, and I motherfucking love cooking. I could normally live without it. but like, right now, I'm not sure I will be able to actually, literally live without it. I'm kinda thinking that my shitty mood mostly comes from the fact that right now I'm so stressed. Every two weeks, I need to live on 500 kuai. I can do that if I buy my own food, and cook for myself twice a day, maybe get some snacks before school if I'm super hungry. But right now, I'm pretty sure I'm fucked. I'm going to be eating once a day. I'm going to probably have to quit smoking, prolonging and exacerbating my shit mood. Dear god, China, why have you no guns? I could get a Norinco pistol so cheap and just end it all now.

Also, I'm staring at an empty whiskey bottle. Sure wish I save it all for now, for it sure would be tasting a lot better now. Malt liquor... no, warm bourbon tastes better when you've got problems. Speaking of which, China has no malt liquor. I think that Chinese jugs of wine are going to become a good friend of mine.

Edit: And then it got worse. I am ready to hop on the fucking plane and come home. Now.
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