Jun 02, 2009 22:50
(Written last night while drunk and not gonna spell check this shit)
I am not keeping up with the dates since I'm half a wolrd away and have no idea what's up with that. But today is for sure Tuesday, I know the days of the week perfectly well. Yesterday had no real updates. It was just... Oh my fucking lord, total lie. So, I wake up all early as hell, as those of you who talked to me knew (I'm expecting only Shannon, but if the rest of you logged on to check up on my travels, I guess... thanks?). I jerked off for a couple of hours (in the non-literal sense, btw, total minute man with the hand... not trying to please Rosie Palmer and her five slender sisters)and then decided to eat the rest of my whiskey watermelon (I went to bed very early after my first day of crazy Beijing adventures and didn't hardly touch it). Not too bad a decision, but I should have started as soon as I woke up so I could have also drank some non-sugar whiskey before it was too late for me to feel like a damn drunkard. But what really matters is that when I got to the airport via taxi (someone at the hotel communicated with the taxi driver), the terminal I was at looked hella different from the one I arrived in. I didn't really know what "terminal" meant until that day, having only been familiar with the good old Sunport, so I thought I was in some different airport. Good thing I arrived early. I spent a good long time trying to figue out what the fuck was going on, after much two-way Chinglish between me and several information clerks, I decided I was indeed taken to the right place and I wouldn't have to waste another 100 yuan on a taxi to another airport. Side track... The taxi driver yesterday said I had very good Chinese. My accent is good, I know this. My words are shit and I can't communicate. But it still makes me feel good. Anyhow, I sit and read Rant, the book Charlie lent me. As I read casually, somehow I notice the note he left me. "for beards only", it says. I read like mad to reach it before the Chicago flight lands and I have to go to the waiting area to find my people. I reach the note. Something about the story and how it's written and its in congruence with my life. I don't understand it. But I keep reading on.
Dear C Bunker,
Did you lend me this book beacuse of that crazy I idea I had and wrote down in your notebook? I mean, Jeasus fucking Christ, I didn't say I wanna go back and bone my mom, but holy shit, as I got a little past that note, the story started to get a lot like that idea. I mean, sure, I was high as a motherfuck. Sure, that what I wrote down was nowhere near as coherent as I'd like it to be (side note, I've said incoherent or coherent about a million times on the LJ, but this is prob the first time I've used it right... (side-side note, sorry for LJ-ifying in a letter for you...( which you'll prbably never read (lie, I'm giving you this journal for sure)))). Sure, it was half baked as hell (even though I was total-baked). But what I said, as I read this story, it makes more sense to me than it did when I came up with it. Holy shit, lemme tell ya.
With love but no homesickness, Zak.
I'm waiting in the airport. I'm waiting. The board isn't announcing my flight. I've decided already that I'm in the right place. But am I really? Oh shit, what happens if I'm not? I'm stuck in Beijing. So, I wait outside of international arrivals for what seems like years. All of the sudden, I hear, "ZAK!" One of my UNM Chinese classmates (the one who came, obviously) was there. That's some reassurance. Me and Rachel waited for waht seemed like aeons. But at least we had eachother, if we had to split the fair to Tianjin or to just be more comfortable with familiar faces. We wait forever... We are both scared. But the teacher from Iowa comes from beind and says "Rachel?" Not sure I've been happier. So we wait. And a little bit longer. After some arrive, then more arrive, we are the whole group. I equate this feeling to having had a 80 pound pack on your back for 4 hours, and then taking it off. Your back is covered in sweat, and as soon as that air hits the clothing, you are more air conditioned that any supercomputer. It's 150 degrees farenheit outside, but you want a balnket all of the sudden. But mostly, you feel like you way a pound. Maybe two, at most. That's how I felt whe n the UofIowa teacher talked to us. I almost wanted to cry. We all are accounted for, we all bus it to Tianjin. We eat. Some of us drink beers. Alright, me and a few others play asshole and a new game to me called riding the bus. Riding the bus is some serious shit, lemme tell ya. Wake up, breakfast, orientation, lunch, shopping (bought a knife), rest, dinner, then immdiately I start drinking. Lie, I bought a beer to drink with dinner. I love low altitude. I can drinke beer and then Whiskey and then beer (first time since many moons ago.) So a beer with dinner. Then we go to play pool, I order a beer in the pool hall. I go to my room to get my whiskey. WAIT! Does this elevaor from the pool hall go directly to my floor of the dorms? I think I just came in my pants. We are done playing pool, but it's the second night I play asshole. We leave the pool hall and try to find some DVDs. Cheap, and at a 10,000 dollar fine to import, allegedly. But we end up finding chuar. If you don't know what chuar is (since you don't know what chuar is) , chuar is the Mandarin word for steer food. I've never had such delicious lamb in my life. I may miss the first day of class for diarrhea, but god damn I won't forget tonight. And that
s not bad one bit.
By the way, did I mention I'm really drunk right now? HOLY FUCK I'M IN CHINA!!!