That Guy Scott

Jun 16, 2010 10:38

I have been listening to my old poetry lately. I'm trying to get off my ass and slug through poetry this week, and old or bad poetry tends to help. So I've been revisiting older work - really ancient and mostly now-suspect stuff - to see what seeds I planted lo those many years ago that might have sprouted into something my ears won't retreat against now.

My first CD, Touch (which almost no one around now has ever heard) had a lot of character. I like where that guy Scott was going, though I don't feel like I'm the guy he had in mind. In fact, I am sure I am not. Well, maybe personally I am, but not artistically. I don't sound like that guy and I wouldn't have suggested that, looking at my work in the last few years, he would have ever sounded like the me I am.

That Guy Scott has some really killer lines, and some of the work was really sharp. The titles were even fun!  It's all to music, which is okay since I was doing live shows with a band back then. I miss that.

But I wish I was doing that with the poems I have now, or rather the voice I have now. Somewhere between That Guy Scott and The Me I Am is what I should be doing, I think. not musically, but poetically. That Guy Scott was fun. The Me I Am is fun too, and smarter, and has mroe range. But That Guy Scott had an eye, had the whole world in front of him. I don't feel like that anymore. Experience has stripped some of that wonder away. So has managing stuff. So has other artistic interests. So have my recent Chevys In The Garage projects.

That Guy Scott should come back.

Thinking about this some more:  That Guy Scott loved words and imagery.  The Me I Am Now likes ideas.
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