An Experiment: Walking Poetry's America, Pt. 7

Apr 24, 2010 15:15

I just ran this whole scenario past a co-worker - the Smart Guy, who is so smart he is on his way to Jeopardy try-outs soon - and he thought about it for a second, then went, "Mmm, no.  Not enough big cities 40 miles apart."  Right, I said.  So now I'm wondering at what rate could poetry be hit?  He thought again, then said, "Not sure, but once you get past the Mississippi...ugh."

Right.  Man, if I had his brain I could have saved myself a week of work.

SIKE!  You suckers.  You think I would let simple logic stop this experiment?!! 
You think that Poetry and I cannot together defeat the Mississippi?!!


experiment, stunts, experiment walking tour

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