Some distant gigs

Aug 12, 2008 22:35

I'm very excited about tomorrow night's iWPS slam at Writers' Block.  I'm writing new pieces right now for it, 1-minute and three-minutes in length, and my goal is to perofrm them like its old hat.  Usually I need time off from NPS before I can dive back in to the grind.  This year?  I was writing lines down during bouts.  I'm not playing this season, dagnabit.

I'll be on the road a LITTLE bit.  I usually don't travel in the winter, especially to traditionally winter-struck lands, but two of my favorite venues booked for January, so I'm out of here:

Thursday, August 28 - Minifeature @ Wet Ink Erotic Poetry Night @ Lodge Bar, Columbus, OH
Tuesday, November 11 - Feature @ Beans & Bytes Cafe, Detroit, MI
Tuesday, January 20 - Feature & MC @ Bowery Poetry Club, NYC, NY
Wednesday, January 21 - Feature @ Cantab Lounge, Boston, MA

I will have lots of poems I didn't have the last time I was at any of these venues, so I'm already excited.  January is a while away, but I can taste the mic already.  Plus that's the week before my birthday!  Might be in NYC that Friday as well.  We'll see.  I've also never been to Bar 13, so I may try to come in a day early to hang out there.  Many of Slam's most respected poets come out of this reading but I'm never in NYC on a Monday.

I've heard something about a possible special show in Ann Arbor later this year.  Someone keep me appraised.  I'll come to that.

gigs, schedule

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