Indie Finals! Oh wait...

Aug 11, 2008 20:57

Can I just share this little piece of NPS selfishness with you?  I tend to not be a fan of team pieces, but when I do, they're awesome.  I got a big kick out of what parts of the Group Piece Finals I saw, so that tells you something about that show.

That said, after our second bout on Wednesday all I could say was "Dagnabbit!  Bring back Indie Finals quick!"

This was the first time as an individual poet that I have ever come anywhere near a good indie ranking.  I got a three in the first night and HIGH 1 the second.  I would have made Indie Finals...IF WE FREAKIN' HAD THEM!!!

I can't really tell you how cool that is.  I mean, I do everything you aren't supposed to and it got me to Indie Finals.

I read "Republican Poets" on the first night and was second in the bout until Oz went up.  The second night I read "Cho" and pulled the only score over a 29.  This was in a bout, mind you, that had the soon-to-be champions in it, so it wasn't no punk 1.  I can't recount how much love I got walking back to my seat.  The Midwest is generally supportive of each other, but it was a serious love gauntlet after that.

Man.  I don't even know what I would have done with that opportunity.  Something ridiculous, I am sure.  And you know it would have been on paper.

This post is dedicated right back to Miles of Detroit.

nps 2008, nps

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