Art Scorecard 2008 Update

Mar 23, 2008 21:40

A check-up:

1) Do the 24-hour feature

with all new poems.

2) Complete the mile-long poem event.

3) Put on the Rust Belt regional. (Active)

4) Release the breath record, “Second Wind”. (7 11 9 songs down, 3 to go)

5) Release the Ambient Long new age record, as yet untitled. (4 tracks down, 8 to go)

6) Start (in earnest) the “Tap Dance to Lap Dance” musical comedy record.

7) Release full-length poetry book.

8) Release “Best of” poetry CD.

9) Release “Watering Hole”


10) Paint at least 10 good paintings. (Active on 3)

11) Have a strong second draft of whatever we’re calling the “BBQ novel”.

12) Give the BBQ novel a title.

13) Do a live breath show.

14) DJ in at least 3 new clubs.

15) Do another new poem feature.

16) Pick up at least 10 publishing credits. (1 down, 9 to go)

17) Coach an NPS team into semis again.

18) Quit caring if people don’t blog about my features.

19) Appear on NPR again.

20) Edit and share that Virginia Tech poem you’re afraid to edit and share.

21) Do “Poetry is Doomed”

once a month, you slacker. (Active; working on February)

22) Get two new pieces of gear for the studio, whatever they may be.

23) Keep my CDs in stock at CD Baby

with more regularity.

24) Read 40 novels for fun instead of research.

25) Start (in earnest) the one-woman show.

26) Work with Nathan Durfee


27) Perform a feature in a totally unaccustomed place.

28) Finish framing my magnetic poetry wall.

29) Start another novel. (Maybe “Stolen”…? Hmm…)

30) Attend Larry’s more often. (2 visits down, 2 to go)

Dagnabit, I'm losing ground.


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