This is going to be a brief update. I have mono. That's short for mononucleoyourlifeisover. I made it through all of goddamned high school without getting mono, and now look at me. DON'T LOOK AT ME!!! Avert your eyes, lest ye be damned as I have been. Reasons why having mono now is a bummer: I may not be able to go to my family reunion. I've only missed it once in my whole damn life. And this was going to be the first time I met my neice. But How has it come to this? The timing couldn't be worse. I lost my job about three weeks ago. I'm unemployed and I have mono. There's no safety net for people like me. The system doesn't care. It's a cold, heartless system. George W. Bush hates unemployed people with mono. I didn't get to see Valerie when she was in town. Because I have mono. All my friends have forsaken me. Do you know how much Animal Planet I've been watching? You couldn't begin to imagine. I have cabin fever because I don't go out much, because of the mono. It keeps me inside and now I cry when I see the baby clouded leopards separated from their foster parents, even though it's for the good of international clouded leopard breeding programs. This is the survival of the species we're talking about people! But they squeak when they're sad. I dare you not to cry when the baby clouded leopards squeak. You have a heart of stone if you do not. I drink a lot of juice lately.
This made me laugh:
- Scott
I am not on drugs.