Title:- Round but not for long
Rating:- Suitable for all
A/N:- Written for
tw100's challenge #264: Holiday Food.
Although available all year round I always associate
this particular
foodstuff with Christmas. Thanks to
aviv_b for letting me borrow their version of one of my favourite characters.
Hope you enjoy. Comments and con-crit always appreciated.
Disclaimer:- TW belongs to RTD, the BBC and others, not me sadly.
"Someone's being friendly," Gwen commented with a smile, as she entered
the Hub.
"I think she's found a new favourite food," Ianto replied as Myfanwy
rubbed her beak up and down his side.
"Oh?" Gwen shuddered, thinking of the after effects of some of Myfanwy's
other 'new favourite foods' - one time it had taken them at least a
fortnight to get rid of the smell.
"Yep," Ianto continued, pulling a foil covered ball from his pocket.
"Terry's Chocolate Orange - hey!" he shouted as Myfanwy whacked him,
nearly knocking him off his feet.
It's not Terry's, it's mine!