Title:- Atonement
Summary:- "Meet me at the park where dad broke my leg."
Rating:- Suitable for all
A/N:- written for
tw100's challenge #261 - Relatives. Set during CoE (though I'm still in denial that CoE is canon).
Disclaimer - TW is the property of RTD, the BBC and others, not me sadly.
"Meet me at the park where dad broke my leg."
Rhiannon sighed.
It wasn't true - their dad hadn't known the chains on the swing, almost rusted through, would break as he pushed Ianto higher and higher, sending him flying through the air to land on the hard concrete five metres away. Their father blamed himself though, and spent the rest of his son's childhood trying to atone.
Ianto had thrown it back in his face the day he left for London, returning too late to take back his harsh words.
The lie hurt, but it hurt less than the truth.