My 2012 New Years Resolution - A Year of Completed Fics

Jan 01, 2012 17:26

Like most people who love to write I have loads of partially written fics sitting around waiting to be completed. These can be anything from a single idea for a premise to almost finished (the longest is a Torchwood fic currently somewhere in the region of 20,000 words that was started in 2008!). Some of the fics I may never finish but for some I think I just need the push of setting myself a completion date.

So... my New Years Resolution for 2012 (in addition to the usual eating more healthily, losing weight, getting fit etc) is to finish and post at least one outstanding fic a month. The only criterion is that the fic must have been started before the 1st January 2012.

Normally I'm really bad at keeping New Years Resolutions but I impressed myself with my Year in Drabbles in 2009 when I set myself the challenge of writing at least one Whoniverse drabble a week, each based on something in the news that week. Over the year I managed to miss only three weeks in the summer (when personal circumstances meant my muse ran away) so fingers crossed.

I plan to use this page to detail the fics as they are completed so I can keep track of my progress.

Hope you enjoy!

Page updated - 30th November 2012

Completed fics posted so far:-

Face off in the parking lot (Fandom - Glee; approx 3000 words)
Started Dec 2011 (I'm easing myself in gently!)

February (almost - posted 9th March)
An impossible thing (Fandom - Doctor Who/Torchwood: approx 5000 words)
Started November 2009

New Torchwood Gastronomique
(Fandom - Torchwood: 100 words - started for a tw100 weekly challenge and abandoned when the challenge changed. Completed for challenge #234: Unloved prompts)
Started December 2010

Insults and injury
Dryadalis in machina
Instant hit
Something smells good
Lamb stew
Sticks and stones
(Fandom - Torchwood: 100 words each - Each started for a tw100 weekly challenge and abandoned when the challenge changed. Completed for challenge #234: Unloved prompts.
Started at various points between December 2010 and December 2011.

No fics completed this month but two or three fics nearing completion - hopefully at least one of these will be posted during June.

Unexpected approach
(Fandom - Glee; 100 words)
Written May 2010 but not posted for some, now forgotten, reason.

Everything has its purpose
(Fandom - Torchwood; 100 words)
Written in 2009 as part of my 'Year in drabbles' challenge on Whofic. Posted here for the tw100 challnge #247: Sleeping beauty

The entry above is a bit of a cheat I know but for the past few months I've been working on two Torchwood and two Glee stories that I have had hanging around for ages but I can't seem to get any of them finished (my May prediction was a bit hopeful) - maybe August (or September) will be the month I get one (or more) of them knocked on the head!

Letting go
(Fandom - Glee; 1000 words approx - Future fic)
Another 'cheat' - written sometime in late 2010 or there abouts but never posted.

30th November
I had great plans for this year, I was going to complete all those fics that I have had brewing away in my head for ages, and I did manage to complete a few (I'm especially happy to have finished and posted 'An impossible thing') and I have made progress with a few more, but, with the hecticness of the holiday season rapidly approaching, I think it's time to admit that maybe there's a reason some of these stories have never been finished - it's just not their time (yet). Some of them will continue to bubble away at the back of my head and will eventually be written, others will become the foundation of different stories and some (quite rightly) will be consigned to the bottom drawer of the filing cabinet never to be seen again.

Still, I've enjoyed the challenge of my 'Year of Completed Fics'. Thanks to those who have read and commented on the stories I've posted - every comment is appreciated.

Happy holidays and all the best for 2013

fanfiction, 2012 a year of completed fics, fanfic:masterlist

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