Jan 30, 2007 18:50
Adelaide woke up for a feed at 5:30am this morning...this isn't normally a problem as most of the time, she either sleeps all night or if she does wake up, she goes right back to sleep after the feed she wakes up for.
But not today. This morning, she woke up for a feed and did NOT go back to sleep...in fact, she hasn't slept all day and as a result...neither have I :( I feel like a zombie.
The health visitor was in today to weigh her and such...she hasn't gained anymore weight for a week and the lady said that she was coming out again tomorrow with a breastfeeding expert type person to meet with me and try to find out what the problem could be :/ I wouldn't mind if it wasn't for the fact that I had to be readmitted to the hospital maternity ward for 24 long tedious hours of breastfeeding training by a midwife because Adelaide would not eat for four days. So now that we actually are doing quite well with the breastfeeding, we have to go through some more training for God only knows what reason just coz Ads isn't gaining as much weight as they'd like.
In other news, Russell's mother, Libby, was here from Texas for the first three weeks of Addies life...and went home on Sunday morning :( I miss her. I loved just having the company when Russell went back to work after two weeks off. We'd go and shop, do things, go places or just sit and chat. It was so nice to have someone to talk to!
Now I feel completely isolated in the house, alone and silent with a baby who can't talk back to me and who today, refuses to sleep at all so I can't get anything done!
Lucky for me, my parents and big sis stays three doors down from us, and Mandy (Big sis) came over today to help out a bit. I cried when she left though coz I didn't want her to go as I was so lonely! Gosh how sad is that!??
I love Adelaide to bits! She's just so soft and cute and has dark soft hair that makes her head beg to be kissed!!! Wouldn't change having her for the world :D
Anyway, I'm off to cry now like a sad little person with no life.