FFF- related - Coming undone - another addition to "The Spot" universe.

May 04, 2013 15:48

AN: I don't know when I am going to put the snippets together, but I will eventually:)
Luke has finally put Brian Bering into place and this is what happens then:

You see the pride floating Reid’s eyes and you are happy. Just happy. You know the two of you aren’t still there where you were before the whole mess. You know Reid is still a bit cautious, doesn’t trust life, fate, you that the storm is over. But this is a step, making it clear to Brian, that there is nothing to tell about him and you, because there is nothing -  at least anything of importance!

And you are proud of you yourself that you haven’t lost your self-control, and you know what Reid would tell you if he could read your mind right now. My favorite place for you coming undone is in our bed, glued to me.

There is a lot of proof though that Reid loves you getting upset and losing control of your good manners when you are in protection mood.

Smiling at your man you grab his hand and squeeze it.

There has been a moment when you were totally freaking out, yelling like a maniac and threatening everyone who was in that room, both of you prefer to forget most of the time, when your loss of control brought back exactly that: getting an insufferable situation under control again, under your control to be precise.

“So you want Chris Hughes to have your heart? Is that right?”

Your beautiful man - terribly injured - nodding to Tom Vulture-Hughes’ unbelievable, impossible question finally jolted you out of our stupor.

“What? Are you actually asking an injured but definitely living man if he wants his heart be ripped out of his chest to give it to anyone else? Have you totally lost your freaking mind?”

“Luke, don’t get upset, Dr. Oliver has an organ donor card. I have to ask him, to make it clear he knows what’s going on.”

“This is the craziest and pathetically unbelievable thing I’ve ever heard! “

“But he gave his agreement - he nodded …”

“Reid is the only one in this room not responsible for his actions - how could he? He is suddenly displaced to a parallel universe of insanity - just because he wanted to help your imbecilic brother. But I am still sane, I know what’s going on and since I have power of attorney I tell you something, Tom: Get the hell out of here! ”

You’d been almost calm then but when Tom had the audacity to point out that Reid was able to make his own choices you totally lost yourself.

“Out! Get out or you’re going to regret this whole infamy for the rest of your life! And get your father and John Dixon in here.”

I took you a pretty long time to recover from that day - maybe even longer than it took Reid, whose physical injuries healed surprisingly fast. But you couldn’t forget those dramatic moments that almost destroyed Reid’s and your life. Up to today you can’t face Tom and although he is Casey’s dad, you can’t forgive him. Not even in the worst soap opera a writer would have written such a crazy scene.

The weird thing was that back then you were mad at Reid too - how could he give up so easily?

Once you’ve asked him - lying in bed, relaxed, satisfied but feeling that strange sadness that Reid uses to call PCDS (Post Coital Depressive Syndrome), your head on his chest listening to his steady heartbeats -: ”What would you do if I’d lie in a hospital bed declaring I wanted anyone else to get my heart?”

“You were right then, I didn’t know what I was thinking. The idiots hadn’t given me enough pain killers so I was drowning in a flood of pain. But then I got to know another avalanche - the phenomenal avalanche of a very pissed and upset Luke Snyder-Grimaldi-Walsh rolling over Memorial losing everything except his determination to fight for his man. And now let’s come undone together again and get over that damn PCDS of yours!”

“What’s you’re thinking?”

You know each other so well. Of course he feels that your mood is becoming a bit melancholic.

“Just  - that I am glad you’re still around, Gorgeous!”
You whisper and brush off some tiny lint sticking on Reid’s collar.

“We’ll figure it out, Luke. As long as we…”

You know it’s still hard for him to confess his feelings sometimes so you release him from feeling exposed and embarrassed:

“…As long as we love each other we’ll figure out how to deal with turbulences…”

You don’t want to catch attention again but you can’t help yourself you have to bent forward and grab his face and kiss him firmly.

You were so close losing him, so close, so fucking close that it’s only now you’re finally realizing how close and you start trembling and if it weren't for him to catch you and hold you, you would fall.

But you don’t.

scotianova, lure, sobriety, fun fic friday

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