"This one goes out to the one I love..."

Sep 15, 2008 22:24


There is serious discussion of making CONvergence an annual 4-day convention. I am not involved in said discussion but, like a lot of you, I have a vested interest in the decision that is made. If you have an opinion on the subject--especially a strong opinion, either for or against--I suggest you let it be heard sooner rather than later.

May I suggest that you include not only your name, but how many years you've been attending/involved, your specific level of involvement, and why 4 days is good or bad for your convention experience. If you aren't sure where to send your comments, ask me and I'll happily recommend the people you should contact.

I suspect that middle-of-the-road statements will be considered endorsements of this plan.

You are welcome to leave comments here, although I can't guarantee how many Regents will see them. At last count, I have 6 current and 2 former Regents on my friends list. But this is in no way an official forum.

I will disable IP tracking so you can speak anonymously, although your voice will count for more if you take credit for your words.
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