Nothing stays the same... even cold, November rain

Nov 01, 2005 10:27

First day of November.. and it's quite typical for my birthmonth >> RAIN

Ahh, but so completely.. autumn.

So here I am, making those same wishes I make on the coming of every November..
that the leaves could somehow defy all laws of gravity and float back upward from the ground,
that I could sit outside on the swing in my Mom's backyard and watch butterflies dance around my feet, that I could be lounging on my 8-foot longboard out past the breakers as the sun goes down,
that Winter would just hold off.. you know,
a little longer.

I'm never ready for it..
I need someone to help keep me WARM, because warm = ALIVE
I swear I die with the scenery.

I pulled off an all-nighter with Mike last night. I never knew I could actually study like that. Mike had to watch Shakespeare in Love for one of his classes.. I totally forgot how much I adored that movie. Okay, okay.. maybe it's because after every 4 minutes of regular dialogue and events, it cuts to the hot, ridiculously passionate love scenes between Gwyneth Paltrow and Joseph Fiennes. I'm telling you guys, THAT IS THE WAY IS SUPPOSED TO BE DONE!!

Before I go, I just have to say it:

I MISS YOU.. I miss you Heather, Kristi, Joelly, Brianna, Mom.. oh, the list goes on and on.

DAMN MY INTERNET CONNECTION!! DAMN IT TO THE FIERY BOWELS OF HELL!! You all know how I hate using that silly invention known as......... the cell phone. Talking gives me headaches. Let's just all sit together in a room and read thoughts through the eyes. That's what I call "communication," most of the time. Then there's my Mercury in Sagitarrius, but we won't get into THAT today ;)

I love you ALL.. much more than I'm able to express.. XOXO
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