I AM DONE WITH FINALS!!!! So I am coming back from hiatus (I realize I didn't make a post announcing my hiatus; I apologize, I just got distracted with everything) and back to your regular-LJ posting (which LOL, was not a lot to begin with, coherency is haaard). For the record, I've been on tumblr most of the time, but mostly just reblogging stuff in my queue and liking a bunch of things when I had a free moment. Though, I'm far from being not busy; my entire day Friday and Saturday is taken up, and I'm juggling the holidays, transferring-to-a-new-college issues and getting in as much driving practice as I can.
So, I am basically going to catch up on everything I missed? (except that is a lot, so it's going to take me while, and I feel weird commenting on entries so old they're practically irrelevant, so I might just skip a bunch) and then try read all the fic I've missed (which may take a while because whenever I read a fic, my brain immediately goes, "I should be writing. Why aren't I writing?" and then dissolve into this neurotic mess over my writing issues /o\). I also really want to get at least some writing done tonight because I have Yuletide due in 7 days and I've...barely started it? /o\ So I want to work on that tonight (basically, I am still busy /o\ BUT I MISS INTERACTING WITH PEOPLE).
* On a completely different note, I've started watching American Horror Story. It's shockingly good, considering it's written by Ryan Murphy, of all people, and it's all about the ladies? LIKE, THERE IS SOME FEMINIST SUBTEXT & FOCUS ON FEMALE CHARACTERS THAT IS BOGGLING MY MIND, CONSIDERING THE SOURCE. I mean, I had the lowest expectations going in, and it's certainly problematic and needs several trigger warnings, but this show passes the Bechel test pretty regularly and has lines like, "men need to objectify and conquer, but women see into the soul of a person." And it's created by Ryan Murphy, what sorcery is this? O.O And without any spoilers or giving anything away, I have so. many. Tate Langdon feelings. so many. Idk. There might be a bigger post about it later, BECAUSE I WANNA TALK ABOUT IT FOREVER.
* Holiday love meme! I could sorta of use this right now. I'm very behind and want to catch up on all of the people who posted a link as soon as I can but for the moment,
my thread is here.
Meme because...every post needs a meme, tbh. Stolen from
midnightblack07 and
Give me a fandom, TV series, or book and I will answer the following...
Favourite character:
Least Favourite character:
5 Favourite ships (canon or non-canon):
Character I find most attractive:
Character I would marry:
Character I would be best friends with:
A random thought:
An unpopular opinion:
Canon OTP:
Non-canon OTP:
Most badass character:
Pairing I am not a fan of:
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
Favourite friendship:
Character I want to adopt or be adopted by: