Dear Yuletide Writer

Nov 21, 2011 19:26

Dear Yulegoat,

HELLO, YOU AWESOME PERSON, WE MATCHED, YAY! :DDD For that alone, you’re awesome and thank you for offering to write in one of my fandoms :D

Disclaimer: Now, this letter is rather long so I just want to tell to NOT PANIC and reinforce that OPTIONAL DETAILS ARE OPTIONAL. This is just a bunch of ideas to get you going and I don’t expect you to write ALL of the things or even any of the things if they don’t speak to you. I’m honestly a really easy person to please! I’m just the kind of person who flourishes with a lot of detailed prompts and ideas and options, so I want to do the same for you. But if you’re the kind of person who doesn’t benefit from that or who prefers vague prompts or simply reads all of this and starts freaking out, then feel free to ignore most of this and simply go with your gut and write what you’re inspired for! It’s better to receive a story that was written with passion and love, by someone who genuinely enjoyed writing it, so I’m confident I’ll love whatever you write for me :D

General Likes: I am up for slash, femmeslash, het, threesomes, poly relationships and their dynamics, and I’m a shameless multi-shipper. I love character pieces, UST and I never say no to porn (though don’t feel obligated to write any; if it fits the story or what you have in mind for the story, go for it but don’t feel like you have to shoe-horn it in to please me). I enjoy little snapshots and vignettes, backstory and future fic. I am a characterization person at heart-I would not mind a fic where it’s just two people interacting, or one character reflecting on life, and I love fic that explores relationship or friendship dynamics. That being said, I really do enjoy plotty fic and if you have ideas for something along those lines, run with them! I REALLY love angst. I also like and (usually) prefer happy/hopeful endings but I would rather take a bittersweet or sad ending that’s organic to the fic you’re writing than a forced happy one. And my prompts have teenagers, so if you’re writing porn, I am generally draw the line at no younger than 15, so everyone should be above age :)

Other miscellaneous things I love!

- Banter!
- Wacky shenanigans!
- Road trips!
- Casual intimacy (just intimacy in general, tbh)
- ~Feeeeeeeelings~ for people that’s not romance or love or even friendship but meaningful, nonetheless
- Lonely people finding a way to connect
- Competency kink (omg I have the biggest competence kink)
- Hope in the darkest of times (I’m secretly a sap)
- Hurt/comfort!
- History and a sense of place!
- Unlikely friendships/romances
- Group dynamics!
- Communicating without words *___*
- Make shift families!

Again, DON’T PANIC! You do not have to have all of or even any of these in my fic. OPTIONAL DETAILS ARE OPTIONAL. I will repeat that like a mantra :D

DNWs: Adultery is a big squick of mine. So is non-con, cross-gen incest, abuse and mpreg. I’m really iffy on dub-con, but it could work in certain situations (like Derek/Kate \o/), I just prefer for it to be about playing with consent issues rather than explicitly forced sex. I don’t like character bashing (I would put female character bashing, but really, I’m opposed to character bashing of any kind-I like everyone to be written fairly, even if I don’t like them), excessive angst and despair (like, I’m cool with dark stuff, just not overwhelmingly or gratuitously so), hardcore kink (like, D/s and bdsm-I’m not against it, it just doesn’t do anything for me unless in specific situations with specific characters and that’s not really any of these guys), and pure teeth-rotting schmoop. I’m not really into radical AUs like all-human but I like them as long as I can recognize the characters from the canon :)

Now, onto requests! These are all in random order-or to be more specific, the order of which the fandom occurred to me when I signed up, so there’s no actual preference. And if the optional details are shorter on some than others, that's just because I ran out of steam, or I couldn't figure out what more to add xD

The Secret Circle:

Request: In this show, I am all about the ladies, but my dream for this would be something centering around Faye and Melissa’s relationship and their alpha female/underling dynamic that’s much more complicated than that. Femmeslash is my favorite, but feel free to go gen on this, their relationship is meaningful no matter what. I also really enjoyed the dynamic Nick brought to them and how they three of them seem to be on the outside of Diana & Adam’s section of the circle, even before Cassie came along, and I’d be super interested in some kind of poly threesome between them. You could set this pre-series, during the series, or even make it fix-it fic where he lives. Of course, if that doesn’t work for you, I also love Faye/Diana and their conflicting clashing dynamic, either gen or shippy. Or feel free to write a gen story about any combo of people or simply all of them growing up together. I’m so curious about their childhoods and the sleepy little town with a dark secret is one of my favorite tropes so if you want to write about how all of these kids in the circle grew up in each other’s pockets, go for it :D

Expanded: Man, what can I say about this that I didn’t cover in this request? I just LOVE all the ladies. LOVE, and Faye/Melissa sorta just snuck up on me as an OTP but I’d love anything about them. How they became so close, or exploring Faye’s protective and somewhat possessive feelings (and somewhat mean actions) towards Melissa, or how Melissa keeps Faye grounded and isn’t afraid to call her out on her crap; one of my favorite scenes is during Nick’s wake and Faye making it about her and Melissa snaps at her and then it ends with hugs and my giiiiirls *__* So basically, anything with them and their dynamic. I also really adored how Nick interacted with them both and the sense of history and camaraderie between the three of them (and how Faye seemed to like him well enough, but he’s not good enough for Melissa! But she still cares about him because she gets why he’s so messed up), so if you’re interested in that, go for it.

But if that doesn’t grab you, Faye/Diana was the first pairing I shipped, right from the pilot with the porch scene, and then Faye stopping the lighting storm as soon as Diana got hurt sealed it for me. I love how they don’t get along but they’re like ying and yang in a way complement each other. But I would seriously adore gen fic about them just growing up together. Where they ever close? Did they grow apart or were they always clashing? And like I stated in the request, any kind gen fic about all of these kids and their childhood and growing up in this creepy town with this secret would be utterly fascinating to me. SO REALLY, I WOULD BE HAPPY WITH ALMOST ANYTHING. If you wanted to try your hand at a Faye/Melissa/Diana threesome, I SALUTE YOU. Whatever sparks your creativity.

Canon availability: Unfortunately, I don’t know of any place to legally acquire the fully series, so you’re on own, but if you do find a way, there aren’t very many episodes to catch up on, and I believe has episodes 4-9 available.

Sirens (UK):

Request: I love Ashley/Rachid a LOT and I’d love to see fic for this pairing since it’s so rare in fandom, I’d take anything really; shenanigans on the job, Rachid asking inappropriate questions about his life and Ashley getting annoyed over it, Rachid’s curiosity about Ashley’s life, etc. I’d love this to be shippy but I adore their grumpy bros vibe so if you want to give me platonic fic about them, that’d be great too; their relationship is ultimately rooted in friendship. If that doesn’t appeal to you, I’d love gen fic about either of them. You could write about Rachid’s background and his family and how he came to work in this profession or Ashley’s past and his need for privacy-there’s so much we don’t know about either of them a lot of potential to explore.

Expanded: I am so sad this show is cancelled and there will never be any new material, so anything with Ashley and/or Rachid would be fantastic. One of my favorite scenes is when Rachid calls Ashley when he’s freaking out in the third episode and Ashley goes over to comfort him and even when given the opportunity, doesn’t make the conversation about him (because he’s an intensely private person, but it was lovely all the same). But I also love them when they’re being dorks and snarking. Feel free to run with any of the ideas I’ve given you, or make it gen friendship. I also love workplace shenanigans so if you want to write a bad day where everyone goes wrong or when they’re forced to put up with an odd patient, I’d adore that.

I’d also be very interested in Rachid-centric fic-maybe about his background or his family, or his freak out in episode 3 or how, as opposed to Stuart and Ashley, is the less cynical of the bunch and still learning the ropes. Or how he even came to be in this job. There is really a lot we don’t know about the guy (and now we never will ;__;) so there’s plenty you can explore. And I’m always interested in Ashley! I’m particularly charmed by the relationship between him and his mother, so feel free to write about that that. Or write about his childhood/adolescence, a day in the life of Ashley Greenwick, Ashley’s many failed hook-ups (0r maybe Ashley/OC where he finally gets his Alpha male fantasy?). I just ask that you don’t focus too much on how hard it is to be gay? Touching upon the prejudice and homophobia he deals with is fine and encouraged, even, I just don’t want that to be the focus, you know? I get enough of that in real life.

You’re free to include other people! I quite love Ryan and Maxine and if you want to incorporate them in some way, that’ll be great. Stuart isn’t really my favorite but he grew on me in the last few episodes, so if you want to include him as part of the grumpy bro trio or making snarky comments in the background (or even as the POV witnessing Ashley/Rachid developing? That could be fun), that’ll be okay too! Just as long as he’s not the focus or there isn’t any Stuart/Ashley. I get that’s the popular ship, but I’m not really interested in it.

Canon Availability: Sadly, I am not sure where you’d legally acquire this if you want to rewatch, or simply watch it for fun, so you are on your own there. There are only six episodes though, if you’re interested in tracking it down.

Teen Wolf:

Request: Derek/Stiles is my OTP and I’d love something that focuses on their growing relationship, but I’d be super pleased with gen about them as well, since there’s a lot of mileage you can get out of these two; just them bonding and/or working together in any capacity would make me happy. I’d also be interested in fic about Derek/Kate’s twisted relationship, either in the past or present, as long as it’s not sugarcoated. If that’s not working for you, I’d adore gen about either Derek or Kate. They are both prime for backstory and come from fascinating families (Derek from a werewolf family, Kate from a long line of hunters) and there’s so much to explore there, so if you have an idea about that, run with it.

Expanded: I love this fandom so much. I love Derek/Stiles so much; OTP of snark and competence and wall-slamming. I love their bickering, buddy cop vibe and how they’re both uneasy and don’t really trust each other but learn to rely on one another. I love how Stiles is afraid of Derek but is unwilling to back down. Maybe Stiles tries to get him to open up about his past, or maybe they get drunk together, or maybe they’re both locked in a room and forced to spend time together, or bond over dead family members. MAYBE YOU JUST WANT TO WRITE CASE FIC ABOUT THEM DEALING WITH SOME OTHER SUPERNATURAL PROBLEM. I WOULD HONESTLY LOVE ANYTHING. You could even write gen fic about Stiles annoying the crap out of Derek and I would love it (actually, I would really also love a fic in which everyone in the world irritates Derek; my tag for Derek on tumblr is Derek Hale hates the world and the fact that you are in it for a reason. That guy never smiles!). I‘m weirdly not that interested in Derek/Stiles porn-though you are certainly free to go there, if you have that inclination, I will not stop you and I bet it’ll be great-I’d just rather just focus as who they are; two lonely people. If you do go the porn route, I would ask for no werewolf clichés? None of the “werewolves mate for life” or “Stiles is Derek’s mate” or “Derek goes into heat.” None of those things have ever done it for me /o\

I am also very interested in Derek Hale on his own-where did he go after his family died, how did he cope with that, how did it affect him knowing the woman he thought he loved killed them? What was his childhood growing up in a family of werewolves like? What was his relationship with his sister like? His uncle? I’m so curious about everything. The same goes for Kate-I’d love to read gen fic about her, what it was like growing up in a family of werewolf hunters, how that twisted her and changed her, why she is such a psychopath and vicious to werewolves, but so kind to her niece. I’d love to see more of her relationship with Chris, or maybe bonding with Allison some more before she died. And of course, I’m very interested in Derek/Kate’s past together, and their twisted relationship and how that ended in massive tragedy, either in the past or the present. Just as long as it’s not sugarcoated or treated as something healthy. Kate was an adult woman at the time and Derek was a teenager, so it must have been all kinds of twisted. I’m not generally into dub-con, but this pairing totally calls for it, so go for it.

Um, that is not to say I’m not interested in Stiles, I just can’t think of potential prompts/ideas for you about him, but if you feel more comfortable writing gen about Stiles, then write that! I really love his relationship with his father, and I’ve always been interested in an AU where Stiles got bitten rather than (or along with) Scott, if that helps with ideas.

Just please no lady bashing! I love all the women in this show, and if you go the Stiles/Derek route, I’d prefer if Lydia and Stiles simply never got together, or if Lydia/Allison was a thing in the background, or if this took place before Lydia and Stiles got together. I wouldn’t even mind a break-up, just nothing that vilifies Lydia, or Allison for that matter. And I know Lydia isn’t listed as one of my characters, but if you’re willing to give it a shot, I’d be super interested in Stiles/Derek/Lydia as a sustained threesome of some sort.


Canon availability: I believe all the episodes are here online!


Prompt: Ack, my new favorite show of the season. There’s so much you can do with these four characters and so many fascinating dynamics to explore. At the moment, I am so interested in original!Emily’s relationship with current!Emily and want to know EVERYTHING. Write anything about these two-from their time in juvenile hall or how they went from enemies to friends to ~sisters~ or what does the original!Emily do now that she’s back, the list goes on-and I will be overjoyed. I envision femmeslash but gen can be just as interesting. If that doesn’t work, my other new favorite development is Nolan/Tyler, so if you wanna write something exploring their twisty relationship and how they both have their own agenda, feel free! I’m not particularly interested in Emily/Nolan as a romantic thing (except maybe one-sided on Nolan’s end) but I’m otherwise intrigued by their complicate relationship, so writing about them is fair game too! And gen fic is always an option-I’d be particularly intrigued exploring Emily’s past and how she went from Amanda to Emily, or Nolan’s past or private life and his desire for friendship.

Expanded: I love this show, in all its soap opera, melodramatic glory. I love the culture of the Hamptons and all the rich people who are kind of the worst and everyone is scheming and backstabbing and saying things they don’t mean and everyone has some kind of agenda. I EAT IT UP.

I honestly don’t know how much to further expand on this? THE PROMPT SAYS IT ALL, REALLY, I’D HONESTLY BE EXCITED FOR ANYTHING WITH THESE CHARACTERS. They’re all so fascinating. I love how Emily & Amanda went from violent enemies in juvie to bonding and caring for one another in the present but current!Emily is still holding back and that bothers current!Amanda. I love Tyler and Nolan’s “let’s make a deal” type of relationship and want to know moooore about them (I picture some kind of one-upmanship games and both of them using each other but run wild) since the last episode barely touched upon it. I love how Nolan honestly wants to be friends with Amanda and help her out but he’s also scared of her and the lines she’ll cross that he may not be willing to and basically, it’s really scary being her partner in crime. I love how much Nolan wants friends. I love how Amanda somehow transformed herself form this angry teenager to someone poised and controlled, a precise instrument of vengeance, Emily (seriously, I’d love fic where you see that transformation occur as well, I adoooore her so much because she’s just so driven and vicious).

Feel free to include other characters! I particularly love Victoria a whole lot and if you want to write her interacting with Emily or anything else, I’d be all for it. I’m also fond of Daniel (I’d die if you wrote something in which current!Amanda was jealous of Daniel/Emily) and Jack (especially how Nolan just wants to be his friend. What’s a little blackmail?). THE CHOICE IS YOURS.

Canon Availability: I think all the episodes are up on Hulu and it’s only the first season, so it shouldn’t be that hard to catch up :D

If you got through all this, you deserve a medal. And a cookie. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OFFERING ONE OF MY FANDOMS. And remember that these are just to give you ideas, you’re free to ignore them if you’re inspired for something else; write something you genuinely love and happy with! Thank you so much for writing something for me! I hope your Yuletide is good <3

yuletide letter, yuletide!

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