Dec 06, 2009 09:58
The Sun highlights your second house this month, and your focus is on material affairs and comfort issues. Security is a driving force for you right now, and you might find that you are especially interested in accumulating possessions. What you have and what you don't have come into focus--what makes you feel comfortable, your sense of security, and what you value. This is the time of year when personal finances and possessions receive maximum attention. Pour your energy into your work and your finances, and you might just be able to take your ideas to the bank. Extravagance with your pocketbook is something you may want to look out for, however. If you find yourself itching to make unnecessary purchases, know that at the root of this urge is the desire to pamper and comfort yourself. Nothing wrong with it, but there are inexpensive (and even free) ways to make yourself feel good. This is not the most eventful time of year for you. You are more inclined to dig your heels in and hang on to what makes you feel most secure than to take big risks.
Money matters are strong for you this month, dear Scorpio, as you focus on making yourself feel secure. You are also likely to be held in high esteem by superiors, elders, and your partner in December. Gifts and bonuses coming your way may be more generous than usual this year! Career matters, however, can become complicated from the 19th. Either you lose some interest in projects that have recently captured your attention, or plans hit some snags and delays. Home life seems to be more rewarding for the time being, and romance is highly favored in December.
Mars turns retrograde on December 20th until March 10th, 2010. You are likely to have been feeling some of its effects since October 17th, when Mars entered its shadow. Some of the activities and themes you've been encountering since October 17th may recur as you question or re-assess them. When Mars is in its retrograde cycle, we are forced to re-assess our current projects, our approach to getting what we want, and our desire nature. Rather than directly asserting our desires, we tend towards introspection. While Mars in direct motion is direct, straightforward, assertive, and aggressive, with Mars in retrograde motion, Mars energy is essentially turned inward--it's internalized, intensified, personalized, and perhaps pressurized. We can be hesitant about taking action, second-guessing our instincts or our natural impulses rather than acting upon them. The way we react to situations under normal conditions doesn't necessarily work for us now, or we don't exactly trust our instincts. The higher meaning of a Mars retrograde period is not about simply sitting on our impulses or dampening our enthusiasm. Rather, it's about better understanding our impulses, our survival instincts, our anger, our sexuality, our inner courage, and the ways we go about getting what we want from life. The cosmos are asking us to look before we leap rather than throw ourselves into action, just for the time being. We might require more rest than usual. Some of us are more accident-prone or illness-prone, almost as if the cosmos are forcing us to slow down if we haven't listened to our natural impulses to take a break. It's time for regrouping, and this is important on both physical and emotional levels.
Mercury is retrograde from December 26, 2009, to January 15, 2010. All Mercury retrograde cycles particularly affect you in terms of communications with friends or groups, as well as intimate communications and shared financial resources, because Mercury rules these areas of your life. It would be wise to be especially clear when it comes to financial transactions and personal communications with friends, or, better yet, take this time to re-budget or rethink your plans instead of taking premature action. Group meetings may be postponed or cancelled, and friends may seem distant or confused. Occurring in your solar third house this time, extra care should be exercised when it comes to composing letters, emails, making phone calls, and with communications in general. There may be the need to revisit old, nagging issues with siblings or neighbors, errands could go wrong, you might have trouble getting from point A to point B (example, transportation problems), emails or letters get lost, and so forth. Idle chit-chatting during this period may have repercussions! People might be misunderstanding your words. You may be forgetful during this cycle, and it makes sense to allow yourself extra time to get to appointments, if they are not cancelled in the first place! It would also be wise to double-check your work and communications before sending them off.
Jupiter conjuncts Neptune in your fifth house three times in 2009--May 27, July 10, and December 21--and this is the last of the set. A spirit of altruism and generosity, making connections with others from a different background, widening your mind through unusual or different experiences, expanded faith, and a feeling that anything is possible if you set your sights high enough are all themes. With the ruler of your third house and the ruler of your sixth house aligned, this year there is more activity and communication on the job. Many of you will be especially mentally active and engaged in the work you do, and some will be running more errands or more "on the move" than usual in their jobs. Many of you are working in communications fields. Some of you are becoming more expressive when it comes to romantic notions, love, and also children. Some of you are finding romance on the job. In general, your faith in romantic relationships increases this year. The only real danger here is that you may be putting too much faith in love matters--that is, unrealistic, inhuman, or misplaced faith in lovers. Try not to be too starry-eyed about romance or you could be setting yourself up for disappointment. You could also be expecting, quite unwittingly, far too much from mere mortals! Some of you will find you are attracting Sagittarius and Pisces lovers into your life. Many of you are truly discovering your creative potential, and putting more faith in your creative abilities.
Venus continues to warm your solar first house until the 9. During this trend, a strong desire for companionship and sociability dominates. You want to maintain peace and harmony at all costs. You try to be just and fair when making decisions, as you do your best to see both sides of an issue. Women are likely to enter your life, helping or hindering personal or business affairs. You prefer the company of others, rather than going it alone. Others notice and perhaps admire you for your pleasant and cheerful personality. This is good for your ego, endowing greater self-esteem and an excellent opinion of yourself. This renewed popularity increases success, for you have the tact and diplomacy to deal with people well. Attention is placed on personal appearance. You are more bold in your love nature, yet not aggressive either. You make friends easily during this cycle, and you are especially fond of loving and admiring feedback! Artistic self-expression is important, possibly through music, clothing or writing.
From the 9, Venus moves through your solar second house. Financial matters are spotlighted now, and you may experience a mix of social and financial activities during this cycle. Financial increases may very well come from the use of diplomacy and charm, through women, or you might be the recipient of gifts now. You are certainly more attracted, at this time, to the good things in life, including luxury or comfort items, and you might have the urge to splurge on them now. However, you are also very aware of the pleasure of feeling secure or of having a healthy bank account, which can balance things out in this respect.
Mars continues to animate and energize your solar tenth house this month, and turns retrograde on the 20th. Typically with Mars in the tenth, bringing dynamic energy to all career, professional, and public matters. You possess more ambition and willingness to come out on top. You could find that your talents or services are especially in demand now. Courage, ambition, energy, enterprise, force, emotional involvement, business acumen, and a strong drive for success can lead to professional recognition. You love to see practical results for your efforts, take pride in a job well done, and love to show off your leadership skills. Try not to allow your enterprising nature to come across as aggressive or insensitive. As well, you may be on the confrontational side for the time being. With Mars turning retrograde this month, however, it's a time of questioning your zeal for all of these matters, as you might be experiencing a sudden lack of energy or enthusiasm in these areas of your life. For you, enthusiasm for career and public affairs may wane, perhaps due to some problems or setbacks in these areas of life. Some projects may stall. Refocus, backtracking, and review become necessary and recommended now.
Challenges with these areas of life are more likely while Mars is retrograde, beginning December 20th and extending into the new year (until March 10th, 2010). Your focus remains in this area of life, but caution and perhaps anxiety or confusion begin to dominate. You might feel less confident or you could simply feel more cautious now.
November 30-December 1 Your partnerships are highlighted right now, and it's time to compromise. Insecurities in your partnerships are brought to light now, and the best way to handle this is to understand that you need others instead of competing for the floor. Some people find this time of the lunar month an energy sapper, as they feel ignored or unnoticed. Trying to go it alone won't work just now. The spotlight is on other people for the time being, and it's best to let them shine. Concentrate on truly listening to those close to you, and on playing a supportive role. Perhaps not a time to be make a presentation or to come on strong to the world. You are feeling reflective rather than expressive.
December 2 A Full Moon occurs today in Gemini in your solar eighth house. This Full Moon is all about give and take. What makes you feel comfortable and secure needs to be balanced with attention to other people's needs and comfort levels. It's a good time to settle some of your debts, financial or otherwise. You may be in a position wherein you are forced to make a financial settlement or large outlay of cash; or, you may find that you are leaned upon for support, financial or otherwise.
December 6-7 Monthly career and reputation peak. Your credibility is important at this time of the lunar month, and efforts at self-promotion might be made now. This is the time when you're noticed for what you've done or haven't done. Do your best to be in top form, make career adjustments if needed, and don't be afraid to show others exactly what you're made of. You're at your best when you are showing the world your practical, competent, and responsible side.