Aug 10, 2006 14:30

I can't help but admit that i like the Nick Lachey song "whats left of me"  I almost feel like i shouldn't like it because it's Nick Lachey.  It's not like he can't sing or anything, because he can, he just chooses bad songs to sing.

I don't think i'm the only person who secretly likes the song, because it plays on the radio alot.
It reminds me of how the dixie chicks' recently released album went gold in a day, but they had trouble selling many tickets to their tour. People are embarressed to admit they like them, afraid of what people will say.

super lame.

I think people might feel bad for Nick Lachey, since Jessica divorced him.
Isn't kind of strange that his solo career finally picks up with a hit written about Jessica leaving him?

I don't know. I still like that song.
Of course, this is coming from someone who likes EVERY kind of music and dislikes very few songs.
my opinion may be bias.
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