Minievent: The City Protests! Info

Jul 08, 2011 04:06

From the first time you step into the streets today, you can tell there is something in the air. Tension, resentment... and that feeling that comes just before the breaking of a storm.

You probably know the location and the time of that storm's arrival. The posters pasted across the city tell the tale clearly enough. Still it may be strange, even shocking, when the city square fills with Anatolians near noontime. Some of the attendees carry signs. Some have posters clutched in their hands. Some hardly seem involved at all... but nonetheless, they are all here. All waiting.

And when noon comes, the shouting begins.

A man stands before the wall, and he tells his tale: the wife he lost to trolls during the witchqueen's invasion some months back. The son who had been slaughtered when the shadows rose from the ruins. The daughter who had been found, her body half-eaten and tossed in the ruins. They said it was a beast, he says, And I agree. But it was no animal. It was one of them.

He says, They're the true beasts.

All around him the crowd roars.

[ooc notes: As some may know (depending on whether you've recently checked the calendar, which is updated through the end of July by the way!), starting today (the 8th!) We have a two day minievent which we will call... the City protests!

It's a small thing, mostly intended to lead into larger things later, but for the purposes of this event, let this be known:

Starting from Noon today, the city square will be hosting a number of speeches, discussions and general protests regarding the presence of the Scorched. This will increase the general anti-Scorched attitude in the city. You may be charged extra for goods, or encounter rowdy Anatolians. Overall, the feeling is one of tension, but without any true malice. Yet. If you attend the rally, there are a few options: an obviously nonnative Scorched (odd dress, odd looks, etc.) will likely be insulted and the crowd will attempt to drive them away. An inobvious scorched may be able to stay peacefully and overhear the parade of testimonials and opinions on how to rid Anatole of the Scorched. Feel free to make up whatever testimonials you like - some people are making things up, some people are being honest. There is rage, and sadness, and frustration, and even the occasional Scorched sympathetic person who tries to argue against the growing resentment.

On Saturday, the rally continues. It's more of the same... but outside the rally itself, hostility grows. At this point, it's fair to assume that some fringe groups of natives will become violent - there can be property damage, egging, even outright violence.

The rally will end on Saturday night, with the appearance of an NPC some of have seen before. After that, things begin to simmer down, but for the next week or so you can assume there is still some lingering tension in the air... and even after that, the tension can be assumed to have gone below the surface, rather than having disappeared entirely.

Of course, further narratives will be available when appropriate, but you can always refer back here for a quick rundown of what is happening at any given time, even if we haven't had a chance to post the appropriate update (for example, if something comes up!)].

-minievent: the city protests!

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