[DW Move] Community membership is open on Dreamwidth!

Dec 27, 2011 21:50

Okay guys, here's an update!

As of right now, membership to all of the Scorched communities on Dreamwidth has been set to moderated (instead of closed)! We are therefore inviting you to post your username in the comments here and then join the communities. This does not mean we're moving right now - the network, logs, board and events (!) communities are all set to moderated posting (and we won't approve posts right now), and the official move date remains January 1st. We're just trying to make sure everything is ready to go when that day arrives.

However! We'd also like everyone to have the chance to get accustomed to the site before opening day. In that spirit, we've decided to turn moderation on posting on the OOC community off - feel free to poke around, post reintroductions etc if you like.

We've also decided to break the community in with a meme! It's not up at the moment, but it will be shortly, and then a link will be posted here and on Plurk.

☀You may have noticed that we've listed "events" as a community instead of as a journal the way scorchedevents has traditionally been. This is because we're going to shake things up a little (wee!) bit as far as how events are run and reported ingame. Details will follow soon!

☀In a few days, we'll ask you to fill out a new taken form on DW and re-enter your player contact information. This is to fix up links that will obviously be broken by the move as well as to give people who want to put their plurk info, etc, on the contact list the chance to do so. But that's in a few days - expect an announcement when the posts are ready.

☀In the meantime, forgive any weird display things going on - I'm currently fixing up formatting, and then I'll try to correct some minor display issues with the layout.

So, in closing:

If you have a Dreamwidth set up already...☀List out your character names in the comments (if you can't access LJ, let us know anywhere you can!)

☀Join the following communities:
Scorched | scorched_board | scorched_events | scorched_logs | scorched_ooc
☀Enjoy a lovely meme to be posted shortly! Or don't, this part's optional. XD

P.S. If anything isn't working as described, please let me know and I'll fix it asap.
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