[MODStuff] Our bags are packed, but in what order shall we go?

Dec 26, 2011 23:21

Ariel again! Once again posting a poll from Priscilla's journal because it's paid. XD

OKAY! Now that we've got the big decision all made and such, the question is, how do you guys want to go about this? And so we have... another poll.

The Options

Post new things on Dreamwidth and put Livejournal threads on hold until the transfers have completed. Basically this would mean that, starting on January 1st, the LJ-comms are in freeze mode - no one posts, no one comments, all new stuff goes on Dreamwidth and anything over here gets paused until it transfers. If we do this, we'll probably couple it with a minor plot that wrecks archive access for a few days to a few weeks, depending on how long the transfer takes.

-keeps everyone on one site at all times, so attention doesn't get split.
-may get the DW comm off to a better start if people aren't still doing most of their playing in backthreads on LJ.

-means a loss in momentum on stuff done until then, and probably a lot of thread/log drops.

Post new things on Dreamwidth, leave old things on Livejournal for a month while people get their old things finished, and then move everything over on February 1st. This would mean just that - people would be free to continue their threads/etc on LJ for a while, and then we'd move it all over later!

-Lets people use some of the paid time they have on LJ.
-Lets people finish off their threads, as well.

-Splits attention between two sites and two "versions" of the game, which may make launching the DW comm more difficult.

Okay, so those are the solutions on the table at the moment - if you have another idea, please click Other and let us know what you think.

And the poll is... below!

Poll How shall we handle the move?

FINALLY - normally we don't allow this kind of thing, but seeing as some people can't access or use Livejournal for long periods of time... from now until the move on the 1st, if you'd prefer to do closed logs on another site and simply link to it in the Logs comm, that's fine. Again, this only applies to closed logs with others in the game: please don't put an open log on your musebox and link it, since 1. it might be tagged by people not in the game and 2. not everyone is set up there, so they wouldn't have a chance to tag in if they'd like to.


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