I want your psycho, your vertigo stick (open)

Sep 01, 2010 22:13

Who: sandrocker, anyone!
What: Quatre is back, and people flip their shit. Namely, Jason. Others are more than welcome to visit, but those visits will occur after Jason's.
When: September 2nd, any point during the day
Where: Outlander Community Block
Format: prose
Warnings: idk; inappropriate use of Gaga lyrics, for starters...

want you in my rear window - baby, you're sick )

izaya orihara, quatre raberba winner, jason todd, david webb

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re_formed September 3 2010, 03:23:28 UTC
David still wasn't sure how he felt about Quatre. The blond was a source of two many unknowns. But he had proven to have a head on his shoulders, in a way, and so far had been nothing but reliable. Quatre had trusted him with that notebook. He deserved the benefit of the doubt.

And he had just lost a portion of time. David felt he had some idea of how disconcerting that could be.

He'd knocked on a few doors, but that had been expected. He moved on to the next. "Hello?"


sandrocker September 3 2010, 04:16:42 UTC
After a few moments, the recent door David has knocked on opens. Quatre smiles, weakly. "Mr. Webb..."

Things aren't blurry anymore, at least, but everything is still slow and dizzying - he can't tell if he is the one moving too fast or if his surroundings are. He's steady, though, and he's grateful for that much. (Vaguely, Quatre thinks he has gotten some handle of his...abilities.)


re_formed September 3 2010, 04:22:20 UTC
Webb. He finds that more reassuring than he should. Especially after the past weekend.

David manages a small smile. "I brought the notebook," he says, holding up the object in question.


sandrocker September 3 2010, 15:31:06 UTC
"Oh - thank you," he replies, voice a little soft. Then, Quatre steps aside for the man to enter. "Was it useful?"

Not talking about the entire situation? Is a given. Emotionally, Quatre is exhausted, and there was enough said on the network and with Jason; it's a little more than he can handle.


re_formed September 11 2010, 04:36:38 UTC
"Yeah." The look he directs at Quatre is more openly appraising. "You're pretty observant."


sandrocker September 13 2010, 22:15:20 UTC
"You learn a lot that way," he says, deflecting the compliment. "Could you read the Arabic?"


re_formed September 14 2010, 03:04:09 UTC
"Not much," David says, noticing the deflection but choosing not to comment on it. "My vocabulary's not very good." He knows enough to have an idea of how to navigate, but that hardly makes someone literate.


sandrocker September 14 2010, 04:21:19 UTC
Small smile. "Most of it wasn't important, anyway. I'm surprised you don't know it."


re_formed September 14 2010, 04:26:08 UTC
Shrug. "I know directions and food." Not to mention a few curses.


sandrocker September 14 2010, 04:51:13 UTC

Quatre knows too many dialects of Arabic; and since the end of the war, his ability to keep them separate is slipping some.


re_formed September 14 2010, 04:57:51 UTC
"Yeah." He can recognize bits of a few dialects, but not enough to merit mention, he thinks.


sandrocker September 14 2010, 05:08:56 UTC
"You're good with European languages," and he definitely does not think before saying that. There's a pause. Then, Quatre smiles, apologetically.


re_formed September 20 2010, 03:12:08 UTC
David pauses, unnerved and a little angry before the guilt for feeling that anger sets in. He knows that Quatre knows things like that, that the boy can't help it. But it's hard to hear, to realize again how little control David really has.

"I worked in Europe," David says, neutral.


sandrocker September 27 2010, 00:43:30 UTC
"How long?" Quatre is careful to return the neutrality and attempt to even the control. He knows better, of course; he has the power here, with someone so guarded, and he always will. But his curiosity is genuine; Quatre doesn't purposefully seek what isn't his to share.


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