I want your psycho, your vertigo stick (open)

Sep 01, 2010 22:13

Who: sandrocker, anyone!
What: Quatre is back, and people flip their shit. Namely, Jason. Others are more than welcome to visit, but those visits will occur after Jason's.
When: September 2nd, any point during the day
Where: Outlander Community Block
Format: prose
Warnings: idk; inappropriate use of Gaga lyrics, for starters...

Quatre sits on the floor of the room, his back against the bed and Forge in hand. His wants to hide - hide with several blankets wrapped around his body, despite the heat of summer, and throw his Forge somewhere to never be found again. It's a fanciful thought, though, and instead, he simply sits; it's the only thing he has enough mind and energy to do, anyway.

He disappeared. Acceptance comes easy; it's logical, after all. Arriving in Anatole is a disappearing act itself, and others have disappeared from the city before, too. That's why he prepared for his own possible disappearance; Quatre never expected he would, though... No one would lie about this, especially not Jason and Sakura. Besides, his clothes are different and fresh; his body isn't tired from pushing too hard, and his back doesn't ache (but it will again soon); his nails are clean; his gun is loaded; and his cellphone is with him now. Nevermind that he is the room he first arrived in. There is nothing to refute the fact.

And it's not really that which confuses and upsets him; it's that people worried. That's natural and logical, too - but it's, also, not something Quatre is use to. No one has cared or, at least, shown they care before. (Zayeed Winner never showed a single shred of worry that Quatre was risking his life; Iria never seemed to fully understand the consequences - or maybe she only pretended not to.) Sometimes, he knows better than that, but he can't change the feeling otherwise and the sadness and the pit in his stomach. Or the way the idea people caring, actually, terrifies him. It's different, confusing, difficult -

- that is hard to accept.

(Jason doesn't make it any easier, either.)

His chest hurts because of that, it's so painfully tight. There's a burning in his heart, and his head is full again (it always is): too much volume and not enough space. He can't think quite right, and the world is dizzied, slow, blurry. He feels like a newly-become phantom.

izaya orihara, quatre raberba winner, jason todd, david webb

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