[Open Log]

Dec 05, 2009 14:24

Who: Yuuri, Open!
When: Just after Yuuri arrived
Where: The street outside of the building Yuuri found himself in.
Format: Paragraph.
What: Confused, Yuuri and Morgif head out to try and make sense of what had just happened.

He'd left a note back in the room apologising for intruding and for any mess he might have made, and had made his way through the rest of the apartment building. Yuuri's eyes were wide as he peered out from the main building door and to the street beyond. "Oooowwwooah," He sounded in awe as he took in the sights surrounding him. He'd never seen anything like this before, and he wondered just what their purpose was here. Surely the people living here didn't hate them, right?

Tucking the Forge into his pocket, the young Maou glanced up and down the street as if something would jump out and start making some sense to him before he took a step out. It didn't happen, though, and Yuuri was left almost as confused as when he'd first arrived.

The curious groans from Morgif drew Yuuri's attention down to his weapon. Bringing the large sword up in front of his face, he smiled sympathetically when he finally realised that he'd dragged Morgif into this mess with him.

"I'm sorry that I pulled you into this as well," The young Maou muttered apologetically to the weapon. He found himself smiling when the blade's face seemed to shake from side to side before the demonic sword loudly moaned in comfort. The smile turned into a grimace when the sword's lips seemed to extend out for Morgif to show his fondness to the Maou. "Aaa, Morgif, not now!" Yuuri cried out as he swiftly pulled the demonic sword away from being able to reach his face. Shaking his head, Yuuri ignored the pout forming on the sword's lips. "Thank you," He murmured while his smile brightened, "I'm sure we can work through this together!"

Yuuri's words were accompanied with an energetic nod from Morgif before the sword's expression mirrored that of its master. Glancing out to the street confidently, the young Maou attached Morgif back to the scabbard hanging at his side.

leon scott kennedy, -incomplete, shibuya yuuri

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