[closed] Should we expect for them to harbor

Aug 18, 2010 04:16

Who: Riza Hawkeye firebornfidelis and Scar lone_stray
When: Forward dated until this weekend
Where: Riza's apartment in the Patrol Headquarters
Format: Paragraph
What: Scar drops by randomly to pay Riza a visit.
Warnings: Probably just awkwardness.

Riza was more than glad to have been released from her imprisonment at the clinic. She had been starting to go stir crazy stuck in that bed. And she was mostly back together. Her right arm was still in a sling so she couldn't be on active duty on the patrol, but she was grateful for the stack of paperwork on her desk at least, to keep her mind busy.

She didn't need to think about the thing that Naruto had become, the burning feral eyes and the claws that had left deep scars across her body. Didn't need to think about how much it resembled the beast that had killed her Colonel. How, if the blow that sliced her sternum was a little higher, her throat would have been torn open.

She held the pen in her left hand, force of will making her handwriting almost as neat as with her right. She looked up from her work only when she saw Hayate sniffing at the threshold, ducking low as if he was trying to get under the door.

"Something wrong, boy?" she asked, more to hear a voice in the dead air than anything else. It was comforting to have Hayate there to direct her words at though. Then she wasn't talking to herself, at least. Then she wasn't alone. She walked across the room and pulled the door open, just in case it wasn't a mouse or a random passerby.

scar, riza hawkeye

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