
Aug 15, 2010 14:47

Who: Clare (onequarter) and Riful (riseinthewest).
When: 8/15, afternoon.
Where: Clare's apartment above The Pleasure Palace, in Dismas.
Format: Paragraph, past tense.
What: Riful thinks Clare needs to be taught not to go back on her word.
Warnings: Dear Lord. Violence? Riful in general?

Riful couldn't say she liked Dismas very much.

It had nothing to do with the raucous behavior or the gambling or the prostitution or how generally smelly the place was; she cared little about it being the seedy underbelly of human society. Humans in general didn't concern her (certainly their society and customs didn't), and the only use she had for their bellies was slicing them open for the meat inside. That was unnecessary today; she'd had her fill several days ago.

An interesting experience, that was. Entertaining, even. Jennifer, she had to admit, had struck upon an excellent idea, even if she lacked some finesse in her feeding. Ah, well.

What she disliked about Dismas was, of course, the first thing she was conscious of the first moment she'd stepped underground. Having her yoki stripped was... unpleasant. Nauseating, even. She hadn't been weak like that in so long she'd distinctly forgotten the sensation (like being human again, ugh; it was still baffling to her why anyone would want to remain so frail when Awakening was such ecstasy), and she'd been dismayed and angry at the same time. Clare was deceiving her again. Luring her down here where the warrior knew they'd be on more equal footing.

But had Riful not agreed to meet here? Tricked, perhaps, but she could get used to the wretched feeling and she was hardly helpless, even like this.

She was here to teach Clare a lesson in keeping her word, after all. It would hardly do to go back on her own! Riful was no hypocrite.

So the monster ignored the degenerates about her and knocked on Clare's door, polite as she could be.

-incomplete, riful, clare

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