(no subject)

Jul 03, 2010 22:01

Who: Jennifer (oopsiatehim), Joker (circus_bones)
When: As the zombie plague starts winding down.
Where: Dead-end alley.
Format: Paragraph, present tense
What: Joker returns to the zombie arms and then receives a visit from Miss Cheer.
Warnings: PG-13? For Jennifer language and cleavage. /leers

He'd gotten his share of odd looks on his way to The Victoria. It wasn't his make-up, it wasn't his colorful clothing. It wasn't even that he was voluntarily boarding the ship. Most of the people casting the glances were transporting the zombies back any way they could too. It wasn't a pleasant task -- far from it. But if the Captain was true to his word, the living would at least once again be free of his undead crew.

What really set Joker apart was the fact that he wasn't returning bodies. His arms were full of arms. Zombie arms, some of them still semi-animate and grasping at the bow around his neck. And they weren't likely to stop moving any time soon, not as long as the Mist kept recharging them. That made them worthless to Joker. If there was anything worse than having no arm, it would probably be having an arm that wasn't under your control. When one slipped from the stack to grab the backside of a passing woman, it was Joker who got slapped for it.

So all in all, he was a little glad to be free of them. He would probably feel differently when his own prosthetic broke, just like it had so many times in the past. But...he'd just have to cross that bridge when he came to it. There were some brilliant minds in this city. And hopefully some charitable ones too.

He turns down a dead-end alley, the spot he'd chosen for the tent that he'd picked up at the Found Goods store. Living in the apartments had felt too strange, but this was familiar. And sooner or later rent would have come do. This way was cheaper, even if he did have to rough it a little. It wasn't like he was a stranger to that. Compared to East End? He was living the high life.

But alone.

Joker sighed as he pushed the tent flap back and rehung his sign on the outside -- Tickets to the Show of the Century Sold Here!

joker, jennifer check

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