[Closed] It's a dead man's party, who could ask for more?

Jun 30, 2010 21:17

Who: Sasori (eternalscorpion ) and Kaien (heartbetween )
When: Monday evening
Where:Out in the zombie-infested streets
Format: Action
What: Sasori puts on a bit of a puppet show and Kaien's in attendance.
Warnings: Violence, language, zombies!

[Chakra strings tug and pull in response to Sasori's fingers, and in turn, puppet mechanisms click and whir. Ran, once a Sunagakure hunter-nin, and now, one of Sasori's creations, lets her giant shuriken fly under her master's directive, and the whirling blades curve around to slice through a line of approaching zombies, arms and heads and torsos severed.

Sasori had made the mistake of being out and about underground when the zombie invasion had struck; hours of hard slogging later, he's finally out where he can make use of his creations. He's now in retreat towards the Patrol Headquarters, after the building he'd taken shelter in earlier had been overrun.

Another tug of the strings, and the former Konoha shinobi, Hotaru, lets loose a serpent of fire to set fire to incinerate the shambling, mutilated hordes. Still, they keep coming and coming, and at this rate, he'll have to start burning chakra to stave off fatigue. Much as Sasori hates to admit it, he could use a bit of help...]

sasori, kaien shiba, incomplete

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