why do you lay so low in the grass? (open)

Jun 23, 2010 10:00

Who: Quatre Raberba Winner (ironinvelvet), anyone
When: June 22nd, afternoon
Where: Patrol Unit Headquarters
Format: action
What: Quatre visits HQ for what he thinks will be a brief visit and, in typical fashion, is distracted by everything ever. This is mostly for everyone I approached in the CR Meme, but anyone else is welcomed!
Warnings: n/a

[Quatre is only at headquarters to run a few errands. Possibly to drop something off for Leon, something to do with paperwork. Details are vague because who cares? (Not the narration, anyway.) But he is a little easily derailed, and between feeling at home in the place and a plethora of interesting people he may or may not know, he is getting to his errands a little late.]

priscilla, izaya orihara, quatre raberba winner, mail "matt" jeevas, deneve

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