Shepards Walk

Jun 23, 2010 03:19

Who: Alexander Anderson (judaspaladin) and Galatea (ofthewhite)
When: Tuesday, late night
Where: The ruins
Format: Paragraph, 3rd person
What: Anderson goes exploring through the ruins, Galatea joins in the fun
Warnings: Discussions of God, possible swearing, violence

The ruins. Everyone warned against it, stating them to be dangerous and full of wild creatures and monsters. Anderson could have cared less about the wild animal part; it was the monsters that intrigued him. He walked through the lower end of town towards the ruins entrance, watching every shadow as he went. It was force of habit but it kept him sharp so it never bothered him.

This whole "new world" thing was...trying, at best. What was God's plan for him here? His lip curled as he thought of where he had come from, the fight he'd left behind. What had become of the Vatican, the heathens at Hellsing, the monster Alucard, and the crazy Germans? Who won?

He wasn't too worried about the Vatican. It had lasted for thousands of years and would prevail no matter what. He really hated leaving that fight unfinished. He was certain he could have won against the vampire. It didn't matter that he had ripped up Anderson's left arm to the point of uselessness. Anderson had the nail. The nail, of St. Helena. It was the joker in his deck, the ace to trump the No Life King.

But he was taken before he could use it. Or, did he use it? Anderson, whose memory was usually much better than that, was a little hazy on that. He had taken it out, felt the holy aura in his hand. He remembered moving it towards his heart. And then - nothing.

He woke up here, with both arms and strange people telling him that he was in another world and that it wasn't a trick. Had the Devil snatched him up before he could finish his holy crusade? Anderson muttered a noise of disgust. Whatever had happened, he didn't like it. But the best he could do was endure.

The open space of the ruins stretched before him. It was clear for a good half a mile, then faded into the mist that he had also been warned about. A mist that created illusions and made people go funny. Didn't matter. Sounded like what the vampire could do. Nothing new, nothing to worried about. Anderson had God on his side. And if he didn't survive, well, that was God's plan too. He entered the ruins with nary a care.

Anderson came upon one of the larger "ruin" piles and tried to read whatever was enscribed on it. The writing, whatever is was, wasn't something he'd seen on Earth. He put out the match he'd lit and continued on his moonlit walk. He had hoped that the Ruins might offer some clue to where he was. But, with that avenue blocked, he would do his Godly duty: monster hunting.

galatea, alexander anderson

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