(no subject)

May 19, 2010 22:01

Who: Uchiha Sasuke ( earned_my_eyes ) and Elena ( wellsuited )
When: Backdated to last Saturday night
Where:The Tunnels
Format: Paragraph
What: The unholy alliance unlikely duo attempt to find a way to bring Itachi back.
Warnings: Mass amounts of fail.

Midnight wouldn't come soon enough. The Tunnels weren't something Sasuke was well familiar with; he preferred the openness of the Ruins and the room it allotted rather than these claustrophobic quarters, but he hadn't been the one to set up this delicate meeting. Nagging instincts forced Sasuke to arrive early, look around and search the area of the tunnels for failsafes, hidden rooms, opportunistic fighting vantage points, and though he wasn't satisfied with what he found, he would have to make do.

Everything he and Elena (an unlikely alliance, for sure) had worked for was here; all those moments spent pouring over books, all the networking and hopeful waiting, ended with this. Adrenaline was rolling like waves under his skin, his eyes narrowed and waiting in these dank tunnels, impatiently passing time in hopes that Elena and the target would soon arrive. She had been vague, but he was accustomed to it; few things were spelled out completely in life, after all.

Still, for the moment, his sword was sheathed, dark eyes vigilant, his body tense. Anything, the slightest nuance could go wrong, and all their chances could be lost. The stakes were higher than he wanted, higher than either of them wanted; he wasn't foolish enough to ignore the fact that this was a sliver's chance, though it could very well be a lie, a trick, a rumor like so many other things here. And if that was the case, it could be dangerous to both of them.

And it was his responsibility to protect her, both as a promise to his brother and himself.

Fingers tapped off the hilt of his sword, a smooth rhythm as he waited. Normally he was a piece of opaque glass, smooth and impossible to see through, but once Itachi came into the mix, all else went out the window.

He hoped she would hurry up.

[OOC: Sorry it took me so long to put it up, bb! ;o; ]

elena, sasuke uchiha

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