
Oct 01, 2011 23:14

Who: "Prest" (lightofvengence) and everybody else!
When: Backdated to September 27 *hides in shame*
Where: An alley in Anatole
Format: Action
What: Prest's out to kill, and ends up targeting Dawn. Others decide to kill him first.
Warnings: Violence at least. IT IS A FIGHT.

[It's pure luck that keeps him from killing Dawn right away. In the course of her struggling she manages to get one of her legs free, and when Prest tries to get her back under control she kicks him in the head. How she'd managed to get away from him after that isn't totally clear, but it doesn't really matter. What matters is making her pay.

Let her think she's escaped. It'll make it all the more fun when he finds her. Besides, he does like a good chase.

Prest leaps from the roof and into an alley, bounding back and forth between the fire escapes. Metal bends and screeches with each jump as he works his way down the sides of the buildings. When he reaches the ground he snarls, already trying to find Dawn's scent.]

((OOC: I make no claims on that cut link text. It's all Cleolinda baybeh.))

irene, simon tam, lucian, trevor belmont

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