
Sep 08, 2011 17:49

Who: Various. (Arthur, Merlin, Remus, possibly Lust, Shirley, Tonks, whoever else wants a thread...)
Where: The Clinic.
When: Whenever it needs to be? For the Bellatrix plot?
What: Arthur gets a worrying glimpse of bespelled Lupin and, completely undermining the intention of his original message, drags Merlin off to act as deus ex machina and fix ( Read more... )

lust, shirley, merlin, remus lupin, nymphadora tonks, arthur pendragon

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Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering fearing, wotchesyou September 9 2011, 01:03:03 UTC
[ September 5 - 5:33am ]

[ Tonks is herself again.

However, exhaustion at this point is a slight understatement. Tonks feels tired. She feels it down into her bones but she cannot rest, not yet. Confession must be made, Tonks has to tell the truth of what she did.

With this is mind, she leaves the Ruins. ]


Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before; lumenrelegandus September 9 2011, 04:02:49 UTC
[What he'd said to the others, what he'd meant to say all along, had he quite realised it: he was done trying to protect or be protected. It was too late to keep anyone from the full horror of the situation, or their enmeshment-even complicity-in it. It was no help to keep trying to stop one another. It was time to help one another. If something dreadful was to be done-and it was. It simply was.-it would be done with consent and collaboration. Planning. A better chance of success. And meting shares of blame.

He didn't even know what was to be told yet, but the words were in his mind: Why didn't you tell me.

But so were the words: Of course it's only fair.

Even he couldn't really feel guilty about this, try to imagine his secrecy had caused this. Ridiculous. Nor could he take the credit of imagining he'd provoked. Possibly forced her hand-the look in her eyes, the sense of the spellcasting, the fact she'd done it, like that, to him… He could hardly conceive of anything intelligible but he had a fair sense of what may have happened, ( ... )


wotchesyou September 9 2011, 04:23:44 UTC
[ After Bella's execution, it had been Tonks intent to return straight away to the Clinic. There are things she needs to do there. Remus. Possibly Shirley. And then she can rest.

Then she had found Merlin outside. That had changed things. She's not ready for who else might be inside the Clinic.

No, she would not return there. So, Tonks returns to her fort. It is the only place she has.

She has her wand out to undo some of the wards when she can sense another presence approach her.

She turns her head in that direction. ]

Who's there?

[ Her voice is soft, as if the words drain her further. ]


lumenrelegandus September 9 2011, 20:38:04 UTC
[A good part of Defense is pure instinct. He doesn't know what's happened, doesn't know what's relevant-how Lestrange had once impersonated to him, what the Mist had once impersonated to Lestrange-only feels somehow that simply calling out is insufficient. What's appropriate is shared proof:]

They always run away, usually in horror and usually very fast, when I tell them I fancy them; why aren't you?


wotchesyou September 10 2011, 02:24:42 UTC

[ There is a bit of pause between words. ]

Yeah. They do. Or they did. You didn't.

[ Tonks lets out a breath. She wants to rest. ]


lumenrelegandus September 10 2011, 04:45:34 UTC
You weren't a prat. In no remote possibility were you a prat. You were genuine and delightful and sexy and I'd never met anyone so real before and I wasn't equipped to know how to be myself around that yet but you bore with me anyway. Even if you wanted to apologise I wouldn't let you.

I don't even want you to apologise for paralysing me, if you were going to, which I sense you weren't. I don't want you to apologise for keeping me out of whatever plans you had.

I just want to be in it with you. Whatever it is. Whatever's happened, whatever may happen next. I want to know so I'm never trying to stop you, never hindering you, but can help, even by staying clear and listening after; to share in everything with you.

If you want to stop me from doing anything crazy again, that's the only way. Because as crazy as you think you may be at times, you're also often right, and honest, and you make me better too.

Now tell me everything. And if there's anything you need me to do.


wotchesyou September 10 2011, 05:23:38 UTC
[ Tonks listens to him. She's not sure that she deserves this.

She is going to tell him everything. In the meantime... ]

Can we sit down first? I'd feel better if one of us, preferably me, was sitting.


lumenrelegandus September 12 2011, 05:28:28 UTC
[he nods and puts his hand so lightly on her back to indicate she should take the lead. He puts his other hand in his jacket pocket where he keeps (has always kept) his wand. A faint smile, as if indicating the wards.] Will you hold the door or shall I?


wotchesyou September 12 2011, 19:29:59 UTC
[ Tonks flinches for a moment and then relaxes at his touch. Her head hangs low. ]

I didn't do it. I didn't murder her.

[ There is a great weight lifted from her shoulders when she makes her confession but she doesn't look at him just yet. Instead, Tonks finishes with the wards on her fort and enters. She hopes Remus follows her.

Once inside, Tonks removes the flowing black cloak and black gloves. She throws them onto a chair before running her hands through her very dark auburn colored hair. The rest of her clothing is simple, a black tunic and trousers.

She sits down on a sofa built for two that is a garish shade of green. Tonks folds her hands in her lap and looks down at the ground. There are thousands of thoughts floating in her mind at present. ]


lumenrelegandus September 12 2011, 20:43:49 UTC
[A bit of a blink, and he follows.

Inside, as Tonks de-cloaks, Lupin resets a few wards, just in case, then casts Lumos and sticks his wand like a candle atop the nearest piece of furniture.

He waits until she sits, then sits carefully beside her.]

What happened?


wotchesyou September 12 2011, 23:01:04 UTC
[ Tonks doesn't light any other lights except for a small lamp. The illumination from his wand and that will suffice.

She draws her knees up to her chest and holds them in her arms. Where does she begin? ]

A couple of weeks ago I found out that my metamorphfic abilities had increased. The Door showed me an image of You-Know-Who. I didn't mean for it to happen but I sudden found myself looking and sounding exactly like him. I've never seen him before Remus but there he was and there I was.

[ Tonks starts at the beginning. It had been difficult to start but once she started, the words just tumbled out of her mouth. ]That was it, I thought. I knew how to lure out Bellatrix so I spent hours each day practicing. Then Freya appeared on the forge and I knew this was it, I had to move so I got everything ready ( ... )


lumenrelegandus September 13 2011, 18:30:01 UTC

Freya. What'll become of-
The eternal flashback to a ravendark hillside
I've done to her too-

All that will wait. For now, she needs to tell him the rest, for her sake more than his; but a nod or "go on" isn't enough; he draws her gently back with,]

On the list of morphs you never need to show me…


wotchesyou September 13 2011, 18:38:34 UTC
[ That does draw her back. It almost gets a smile out of her. Almost. ]

When she came out to the Ruins, I didn't reveal it was me at first. I made her think she'd failed You-Know-Who. I thought it was fitting. She even cried but then when I was about to do it, there was something in her eyes.

It wasn't mercy that made me stop. I don't even think it was compassion from me. I think I saw a bit of pride there.

Can you imagine?

[ She turns to look at him. ]

If I had gone through with it she would've been proud of me. I think that's what made me lower my wand. I don't want that woman proud of anything that I've done.


lumenrelegandus September 13 2011, 18:58:38 UTC
[Sorry, love, can't help it; he touches her faces moves to kiss her.]

That's the real fight. Exactly that.


wotchesyou September 13 2011, 19:09:52 UTC
[ She makes no move to stop him. ]

She would've won...

[ Tonks closes her eyes for a moment. ]

I couldn't leave her there. You know that. She's too dangerous. Her rage alone at being tricked....

[ She isn't worried about what Bellatrix would do to her. Tonks has been down that road. No, Bellatrix would've taken her rage out on innocents. ]

I had the thought if maybe I took enough of her memories away, maybe if I went far enough back, there might be something there that's not completely awful. I obliviated her and took her wand. I was going to go back to the Clinic, to see you but I ran into Merlin outside. He said Arthur was with you. I didn't want to talk to him.


lumenrelegandus September 13 2011, 19:19:46 UTC
[He's been with her so far, but it takes him a moment to catch up this time.

He still wants to tell her about the battle at the hill, but suddenly thinks this might be more urgent-]

Where is she now?


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