[ OPEN! ] drowning my sorrows

Sep 04, 2011 02:57

Who: Scar, and anyone who wants to come bug him.
When: Evening of September 3
Where: Duncan's Pub
Format: Actionnn
What: Scar is moping. And drunk.

[There's only so much loss a man can take before he loses the will to keep trying to hold himself together. Scar had thought he'd reached that point, once before. Under essentially the same circumstances.

He doesn't take Mei's disappearance well this time, either, although whether he takes it better or worse is a question still up in the air.

Scar isn't sure how long he spent crying in the apartment, especially after finding that present she'd hidden away (that's right--the birthday she'd given him was soon, wasn't it?), but it doesn't matter.

Not much really does. Not without her. An odd sort of numbness sets in but does nothing for the ache, the void left behind by absence.

An ache he tries to soothe, by a means he rarely resorts to--alcohol. The Ishbalan sits at a lone table in a corner, with a drink before him he's already forgotten the name of. He knows he doesn't have much of a tolerance to it, didn't take well any of the times he'd tried it before, but Scar doesn't care. He's looking to be numb enough that he can't.

So far, it doesn't feel like it's working.]

lust, xerxes break, irene, scar, verity kindle

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